Directorio de personas
Manuel Portero Otin

Manuel Portero Otin

Grado: Doctor/a

973 702 408



  • Fontdevila, L; Povedano, M; Domínguez, R; Boada, J; Serrano, JCE; Pamplona, R; Ayala, V; Portero-Otín, M

    Examining the complex Interplay between gut microbiota abundance and short-chain fatty acid production in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients shortly after onset of disease

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 23497-23497. .


  • Torres, P; Rico-Rios, S; Ceron-Codorniu, M; Santacreu-Vilaseca, M; Seoane-Miraz, D; Jad, Y; Ayala, V; Mariño, G; Beltran, M; Miralles, MP; Andrés-Benito, P; Fernandez-Irigoyen, J; Santamaria, E; López-Otín, C; Soler, RM; Povedano, M; Ferrer, I; Pamplona, R; Wood, MJA; Varela, MA; Portero-Otin, M

    TDP-43 regulates LC3ylation in neural tissue through ATG4B cryptic splicing inhibition



  • Ceron-Codorniu, M; Torres, P; Fernández-Bernal, A; Rico-Rios, S; Serrano, JCE; Miralles, MP; Beltran, M; Garcera, A; Soler, RM; Pamplona, R; Portero-Otín, M

    TDP-43 dysfunction leads to bioenergetic failure and lipid metabolic rewiring in human cells

    Redox Biology 75 103301-103301. .


  • Berdún R; Obis È; Mota-Martorell N; Bassols A; Valent D; Serrano JCE; Martín-Garí M; Rodríguez-Palmero M; Moreno-Muñoz JA; Tibau J; Quintanilla R; Pamplona R; Portero-Otín M; Jové M

    High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Increases Brain Mitochondrial Complex I and Lipoxidation-Derived Protein Damage.

    Antioxidants 13 -. .


  • Sol, J; Ortega-Bravo, M; Portero-Otín, M; Pinol-Ripoll, G; Ribas-Ripoll, V; Artigues-Barberà, E; Butí, M; Pamplona, R; Jové, M

    Human lifespan and sex-specific patterns of resilience to disease: a retrospective population-wide cohort study

    BMC MEDICINE 22 17-17. .


  • Jové, M; Mota-Martorell, N; Fernàndez-Bernal, A; Portero-Otin, M; Barja, G; Pamplona, R

    Phenotypic molecular features of long-lived animal species



  • Serrano, JCE; Castro-Boque, E; Garcia-Carrasco, A; Moran-Valero, MI; Gonzalez-Hedstrom, D; Bermudez-Lopez, M; Valdivielso, JM; Espinel, AE; Portero-Otin, M

    Antihypertensive Effects of an Optimized Aged Garlic Extract in Subjects with Grade I Hypertension and Antihypertensive Drug Therapy: A Randomized, Triple-Blind Controlled Trial

    Nutrients 15 -. .


  • Purroy, F; Ois, A; Jove, M; Arque, G; Sol, J; Mauri-Capdevila, G; Rodriguez-Campello, A; Pamplona, R; PORTERO, M; Roquer, J

    Lipidomic signature of stroke recurrence after transient ischemic attack

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13 13706-13706. .


  • Torres P; Pamplona R; Portero-Otin M

    Cell senescence, loss of splicing, and lipid metabolism in TDP-43-related neurodegenerative processes.

    Neural Regeneration Research 18 1725-1726. .


  • Bernal AF; Mota N; Pamplona R; Area-Gomez E; Portero-Otin M

    Hakuna MAM-Tata: Investigating the role of mitochondrial-associated membranes in ALS.



  • Brewer, MK; Torres, P; Ayala, V; Portero-Otin, M; Pamplona, R; Andres-Benito, P; Ferrer, I; Guinovart, JJ; Duran, J

    Glycogen accumulation modulates life span in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis



  • Portero-Otin, M; de la Maza, MP; Uribarri, J

    Dietary Advanced Glycation End Products: Their Role in the Insulin Resistance of Aging

    Cells 12 -. .



  • Natural microbicides from rice against current and emerging infectious diseases
  • Humanised mouse models to study ATG4B cryptic exon involvement in ALS pathogenesis and its potential as disease biomarker (Hum4ALS)
  • Desregulacion de TDP-43,eje clave en la ELA: Caracterización de firmas lipidómicas, transcriptómicas y autofágicas en muestras específicas de pacientes para biomarcadores y reposicionamiento
  • Targeting cryptic exons as biomarkers and ALS therapy
  • The role of defects in mitochondria-associated ER membranes (MAM) to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • Perspectivas clínicas de la biología de sistemas aplicada al análisis de placas carotídeas humanas: ILER-CAROTID
  • Metabolismo lipidico intracelular, procesamiento de ARNm y estrés celular en la encrucijada de la fisiopatología de la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica
  • Identification of compounds for inhibition of ACE2 membrane expression
  • Reposicionamiento terapéutico dirigido a inhibición de expresión de ACE2 y de proteolisis de trímero S viral
  • Determinació de components bioactius derivats de la microbiota mitjançant micromostreig
  • Estrés celulares y alteraciones en los lipidomas neuronales, gliales y extracelulares en la fisiopatología de la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica.
  • "Imagenoma de l'Envelliment": Estudi observacional poblacional per definir biomarcadors d'imatge RM corporal integral i òmics que s'associen al procés d'envelliment i a factors de risc biopsicosocial en subjectes adults i que defineixen la seva trajectòria vital cap a un envelliment saludable o bé la fragilitat i discapacitat.