Josep Pifarre Paredero
Grado: Doctor/a
973 701 630
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-5884-2009
Torres, MM; Campanera, EC; Paredero, JP
Clonidine reduces the need for antipsychotics in conduct disorders associated with intellectual disability and mental illness: A case series
Spanish Journal Of Psychiatry And Mental Health 16 204-205. .
Hodkinson A; Peters D; Panagioti M; Pifarre J; Yuguero O
Editorial: The public health problem of burnout in health professionals.
Frontiers in Public Health 11 1173312-1173312. .
Rodrigo-Claverol M; Manuel-Canals M; Lobato-Rincón LL; Rodriguez-Criado N; Roman-Casenave M; Musull-Dulcet E; Rodrigo-Claverol E; Pifarré J; Miró-Bernaus Y
Human-Animal Bond Generated in a Brief Animal-Assisted Therapy Intervention in Adolescents with Mental Health Disorders.
Animals 13 -. .
Paül, Agustí; Guilera, T; Lasala Fortea, José; Guerrero Lladós, Montserrat; Ganau, J; Pifarre, J
Increase in Stress Level in Public Spaces Following the Application of Measures Against COVID-19: An Exploratory Study
Ecopsychology 14 30-36. .
Peirau, Martí; Esquerda, M; Gabarrell, Carme; Pifarre, J
Veinte años después: prevalencia y evolución del burnout en Pediatría, de 1998-1999 a 2018-2019
Mendo-Cullell M; Arenas-Pijoan L; Forné C; Fernández-Oñate D; Ruiz de Cortázar-Gracia N; Facal C; Torrent A; Palacios R; Pifarré J; Batalla I
A pilot study of the efficacy of an adventure therapy programme on borderline personality disorder: A pragmatic controlled clinical trial.
Oro, P; Esquerda, M; Mas, B; Viñas J; Yuguero, O; Pifarre, J
Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Programme on Perceived Stress, Psychopathological Symptomatology and Burnout in Medical Students.
Mindfulness 12 1-10. .
Llorca-Bofi, V; Batalla, I; Adrados-Perez, M; Buil-Reine, E; Pifarre, J; Torrent, A
Why keep an ECT unit open during a COVID-19 lockdown period.
Journal Of Affective Disorders 285 55-57. .
Perez, V; Elices, M; Prat, B; Vieta, E; Blanch, J; Alonso, J; Pifarre, J; Mortier, P; Cebria, AI; Campillo, MT; Vila-Abad, M; Colom, F; Dolz, M; Molina, C; Palao, DJ
The Catalonia Suicide Risk Code: A secondary prevention program for individuals at risk of suicide.
Journal Of Affective Disorders 268 201-205. .
Montserrat-Capdevila, J; Godoy, P; Marsal, JR; Ortega, M; Pifarre, J; Barbe, F
La comorbilidad en salud mental en los pacientes diagnosticados de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crnica.
Carnes-Vendrell, A; Deus, J; Molina-Seguin, J; Pifarre, J; Purroy, F
Depression and Apathy After Transient Ischemic Attack or Minor Stroke: Prevalence, Evolution and Predictors
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9 16248-16248. .
Miquel, E; Esquerda, M; Real, J; Espejo, M; Pifarre, J
Design and Validation of an Instrument To Measure a Minor's Maturity When Faced with Health Decisions
Journal Of Bioethical Inquiry 16 431-441. .
- Estats emocionals en l’espai públic - INDEST
- Mascarilla laríngea versus ventilación habitual en la terapia electroconvulsiva. Relación con variables anestésicas, eléctricas y con los efectos cognitivos inmediatos