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Antonia Salud Salvia

Antonia Salud Salvia

Grado: Doctor/a



  • Porcel, JM; Vives, M; Esquerda, A; Salud, A; Perez, B; Rodriguez-Panadero, F

    Use of a panel of tumor markers (carcinoembryonic antigen, cancer antigen 125, carbohydrate antigen 15-3, and cytokeratin 19 fragments) in pleural fluid for the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant effusions.

    Chest 126 1757-1763. .


  • Lopez-Gomez, L; Escudero, P; Yubero, A; Feliu, J; Salud, A; Galan, A; Bolanos, M; Vicent, JM; Losa, F; Gonzalez-Baron, M

    XELOX (capecitabine and oxaliplatin) as 1st line treatment for elderly patients (pts) with advanced/metastatic colorectal cancer (MCRC).

    Journal of Clinical Oncology 22 3688-3688. .

  • Gravalos, C; Garcia-Giron, C; Leon, AI; Salud, A; Esteban, B; Sevilla, I; Maurel, J; Murias, A; Garcia-Rico, E; Cortes-Funes, HG

    TOMOX compared to FOLFOX4 as first-line treatment in patients (pts) with advanced colorectal cancer (aCRC): Preliminary results of a multicenter randomized phase II trial.

    Journal of Clinical Oncology 22 3599-3599. .

  • Munoz, A; Salud, A; Alonso, V; Escudero, P; Sanz, JJ; Martin, C; Rivera, F; Yubero, A; Garcia-Giron, C; Lopez-Vivanco, G

    Final analysis of irinotecan (CPT-11) and capecitabine (X) as first-line treatment of locally advanced (La) or metastatic colorectal cancer (MCRC).

    Journal of Clinical Oncology 22 3610-3610. .

  • Salud, A; Saigi, E; Batiste-Alentorn, B; Losa, F; Cirera, L; Mendez, M; Campos, JM; Galan, A; Escudero, MP; Nogue, M

    Randomized phase IV trial of oral tegafur and low dose leucovorin versus intravenous 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer (aCC): Final results.

    Journal of Clinical Oncology 22 3547-3547. .

  • Alonso, V; Salud, A; Escudero, P; Valencia, J; Mira, M; de Lobera, AR; Lambea, J; Grandez, R; Tres, A; Anton, A

    Preoperative chemoradiation with oxaliplatin and 5-fluorouracil in locally advanced rectal carcinoma.

    Journal of Clinical Oncology 22 3607-3607. .

  • Feliu, J; Salud, A; Escudero, P; Lopez-Gomez, L; Pericay, C; Castanon, C; de Tejada, MRL; Rodriguez-Garcia, JM; Martinez, MP; Martin, MS; Sanchez, JJ; Baron, MG

    Irinotecan plus raltitrexed as first-line treatment in advanced colorectal cancer: a phase II study

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 90 1502-1507. .


  • Solans-Laque, R; Perez-Bocanegra, C; Salud-Salvia, A; Fonollosa-Pla, V; Rodrigo, MJ; Armadans, L; Simeon-Aznar, CP; Vilardell-Tarres, M

    Clinical significance of antinuclear antibodies in malignant diseases: association with rheumatic and connective tissue paraneoplastic syndromes.

    Lupus 13 159-164. .


  • Porcel JM; Salud A; Balil A

    Exoftalmos unilateral secundario a metástasis orbitaria como manifestación inicial de un cáncer de mama.

    Anales De Medicina Interna 19 159-160. .

  • Morales, S; Salud, A; Balil, A; Mira, M; Garcia, E; Carceller, JA

    Paclitaxel (P), gemcitabine (G) and cisplatin (c) in non-resectable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 11 527-527. .

  • Mendez, M; Salud, A; Garcia, C; Navalon, M; Espana, P; Cruz, JJ; Diz, P; del Val, G; del Prado, M

    Irinotecan (CPT-11) in advanced colorectal cancer patients with progression after therapy with 5-FU.

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 11 244-244. .

  • Porcel, JM; Alvarez, M; Salud, A; Vives, M

    Should a cytologic study be ordered in transudative pleural effusions?

    Chest 116 1836-1837. .



  • Ajuts per a la contractació de personal investigador novell (FI)
  • Predicción de micrometástasis en pacientes con cáncer de colon localizado de alto riesgo
  • Dimerizaciones de HER2 como elemento de decición en la terapia dirigida anti-HER2 frente al cáncer de mama
  • Cáncer de mama: utilidad pronóstica de los Perfiles de Expresión Proteica en pacientes con tumor residual viable (>1.0 cm) tras quimioterapia neoadyuvante