Directorio de personas
Antonia Salud Salvia

Antonia Salud Salvia

Grado: Doctor/a



  • Marques, M; Sorolla, MA; Urdanibia, I; Parisi, E; Hidalgo, I; Morales, S; Salud, A; Sorolla, A

    Are Transcription Factors Plausible Oncotargets for Triple Negative Breast Cancers?

    Cancers 14 -. .


  • Sorolla, MA; Hidalgo, I; Sorolla, A; Montal, R; Pallise, O; Salud, A; Parisi, E

    Microenvironmental Reactive Oxygen Species in Colorectal Cancer: Involved Processes and Therapeutic Opportunities

    Cancers 13 -. .


  • Astorga, BG; Ballabrera, FS; Aguilar, EA; Fernandez, EE; Garcia-Alfonso, P; Flores, EG; Garcia, RV; Montes, AF; Munoz, AML; Salvia, AS

    Patient profiles as an aim to optimize selection in the second line setting: the role of aflibercept



  • Valladares-Ayerbes, M; Fonseca, MT; de Prado, JV; Inga-Saavedra, E; Gil, S; Suarez, BG; Garcia-Paredes, B; Salud, A; Herrero, FR; Fernandez, MS; Garcia-Alfonso, P; Lopez-Lopez, R; Monteagudo, RF; Sastre, J; Diaz-Rubio, E; Aranda, E

    Circulating RNA detection, circulating tumor cells count, and molecular tumor profiling in a cohort of untreated metastatic colorectal cancer: A prospective multicenter ancillary study to the randomized VISNU trials

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 32 131-132. .


  • Sorolla MA; Sorolla A; Parisi E; Salud A; Porcel JM

    Diving into the Pleural Fluid: Liquid Biopsy for Metastatic Malignant Pleural Effusions.

    Cancers 13 -. .


  • Porcel JM; Murata P; Porcel L; Bielsa S; Pardina M; Salud A

    Prevalence, clinical characteristics, and outcome of pleural effusions in ovarian cancer.

    Pleura and Peritoneum 6 75-81. .


  • Vidal, J; Casadevall, D; Bellosillo, B; Pericay, C; Garcia-Carbonero, R; Losa, F; Layos, L; Alonso, V; Capdevila, J; Gallego, J; Vera, R; Salud, A; Martin-Richard, M; Nogue, M; Cillan, E; Maurel, J; Faull, I; Raymond, V; Fernandez-Martos, C; Montagut, C

    Clinical Impact of Presurgery Circulating Tumor DNA after Total Neoadjuvant Treatment in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: A Biomarker Study from the GEMCAD1402 Trial

    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 27 2890-2898. .


  • Sastre, J; Garcia-Alfonso, P; Vieitez, JM; Cano, MT; Rivera, F; Reina-Zoilo, JJ; Salud-Salvia, A; Quintero, G; Robles-Diaz, L; Safont, MJ; La Casta, A; Gil, S; Polo, E; Asensio-Martinez, E; Garcia-Paredes, B; Lopez, RL; Guillot, M; Valladares-Ayerbes, M; Aranda, E; Diaz-Rubio, E

    Influence of BRAF and PIK3CA mutations on the efficacy of FOLFIRI plus bevacizumab or cetuximab as first-line therapy in patients with RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal carcinoma and < 3 baseline circulating tumour cells: the randomised phase II VISNU-2 study

    ESMO Open 6 -. .


  • Morales Murillo, Serafin; Gasol Cudos, Ariadna; Veas Rodriguez, Joel; Canosa Morales, Carles; Melé Olivé, Jordi; Vilardell Villellas, Felip; Sanchez Guzman, Douglas Rene; Iglesias Martínez, Edelmiro; Salud Salvia, Antonieta

    Selection of neoadjuvant treatment based on the 21-GENE test results in luminal breast cancer

    BREAST 56 35-41. .


  • Murillo, SM; Cudos, AG; Rodriguez, JV; Morales, CC; Olive, JM; Villellas, FV; Guzman, DRS; Martinez, EI; Salvia, AS

    Survival analysis of bevacizumab plus taxane treatment in luminal metastatic breast cancer

    Future Science Oa 7 -. .


  • Valdivia, AA; Salva, F; Ros, J; Baraibar, I; Martinez, GA; Gonzalez, NS; Garcia, A; Margalef, NM; Urteaga, JLC; Capdevila, J; Salvia, MAS; Paez, D; Casado, E; Comas, R; Ruiz-Pace, F; Javierre, GV; Eyzaguirre, DAA; Dienstmann, R; Fernandez, MEE; Tabernero, J

    Spotlight on refractory metastatic colorectal cancer (refMCRC): Role of prognostic characteristics in the continuum of care

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 32 547-548. .


  • Benavides, M; Gomez-Espana, A; Garcia-Alfonso, P; Garcia, C; Vieitez, JM; Sureda, BM; Rivera, F; Aguilera, MJS; Esteve, AA; Ortega, MG; Valladares-Ayerbes, M; Mena, AC; Gonzalez-Flores, E; Robles, L; Salvia, AS; Alonso, V; Viladot, CM; Asensio-Martinez, E; Diaz-Rubio, E; Aguilar, EA

    Upfront primary tumour resection (UPTR) and survival in synchronous metastatic colorectal cancer according to primary tumour location and RAS status: Pooled analysis of the Spanish Cooperative Group for the Treatment of Digestive Tumours (TTD)

    ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 32 544-544. .



  • Decodificación de la metástasis del cáncer colorrectal desentrañando el señalosoma de PLA2G12A
  • Ajuts per a la contractació de personal investigador novell (FI)
  • Predicción de micrometástasis en pacientes con cáncer de colon localizado de alto riesgo
  • Dimerizaciones de HER2 como elemento de decición en la terapia dirigida anti-HER2 frente al cáncer de mama
  • Cáncer de mama: utilidad pronóstica de los Perfiles de Expresión Proteica en pacientes con tumor residual viable (>1.0 cm) tras quimioterapia neoadyuvante