Alfredo Jover Saenz
Grado: Doctor/a
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-7580-2010
Pujol, M; Miro, JM; Shaw, E; Aguado, JM; San-Juan, R; Puig-Asensio, M; Pigrau, C; Calbo, E; Montejo, M; Rodriguez-Alvarez, R; Garcia-Pais, MJ; Pintado, V; Escudero-Sanchez, R; Lopez-Contreras, J; Morata, L; Montero, M; Andres, M; Pasquau, J; Arenas, MDM; Padilla, B; Murillas, J; Jover-Saenz, A; Lopez-Cortes, LE; Garcia-Pardo, G; Gasch, O; Videla, S; Hereu, P; Tebe, C; Pallarès N; Sanllorente, M; Dominguez, MA; Càmara J; Ferrer, A; Padulles, A; Cuervo, G; Carratala, J
Daptomycin plus Fosfomycin versus Daptomycin Alone for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia and Endocarditis. A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Vilchez, HH; Escudero-Sanchez, R; Fernandez-Sampedro, M; Murillo, O; Aunon, A; Rodriguez-Pardo, D; Jover-Saenz, A; del Toro, MD; Rico, A; Falgueras, L; Praena-Segovia, J; Guio, L; Iribarren, JA; Lora-Tamayo, J; Benito, N; Morata, L; Ramirez, A; Riera, M
Prosthetic Shoulder Joint Infection by Cutibacterium acnes: Does Rifampin Improve Prognosis? A Retrospective, Multicenter, Observational Study
Antibiotics-Basel 10 -. .
Gomez-Junyent, J; Lora-Tamayo, J; Baraia-Etxaburu, J; Sanchez-Somolinos, M; Iribarren, JA; Rodriguez-Pardo, D; Praena-Segovia, J; Sorli, L; Bahamonde, A; Riera, M; Rico, A; del Toro, MD; Morata, L; Cobo, J; Falgueras, L; Benito, N; Munez, E; Jover-Saenz, A; Pigrau, C; Ariza, J; Murillo, O
Implant Removal in the Management of Prosthetic Joint Infection by Staphylococcus aureus: Outcome and Predictors of Failure in a Large Retrospective Multicenter Study
Antibiotics-Basel 10 -. .
Jenks JD; Seidel D; Cornely OA; Chen S; van Hal S; Kauffman C; Miceli MH; Heinemann M; Christner M; Jover Sáenz A; Burchardt A; Kemmerling B; Herbrecht R; Steinmann J; Shoham S; Gräber S; Pagano L; Deeren D; Aslam S; Taplitz R; Revankar SG; Baddley J; Mehta SR; Reed S; Slavin MA; Hoenigl M
Voriconazole plus terbinafine combination antifungal therapy for invasive Lomentospora prolificans infections: analysis of 41 patients from the FungiScope® registry 2008-2019.
Jenks JD; Seidel D; Cornely OA; Chen S; van Hal S; Kauffman C; Miceli MH; Heinemann M; Christner M; Jover Sáenz A; Burchardt A; Kemmerling B; Herbrecht R; Steinmann J; Shoham S; Gräber S; Pagano L; Deeren D; Slavin MA; Hoenigl M
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of invasive Lomentospora prolificans infections: Analysis of patients in the FungiScope ® registry.
Mycoses 63 437-442. .
Seidel D; Hassler A; Salmanton-García J; Koehler P; Mellinghoff SC; Carlesse F; Cheng MP; Falces-Romero I; Herbrecht R; Jover Sáenz A; Klimko N; Mares M; Lass-Flörl C; Soler-Palacín P; Wisplinghoff H; Cornely OA; Pana Z; Lehrnbecher T
Invasive Scedosporium spp. and Lomentospora prolificans infections in pediatric patients: Analysis of 55 cases from FungiScope® and the literature.
Jover-Sáenz, Alfredo; Ramírez-Hidalgo, María Fernanda; Vidal, Montserrat Vallverdú; González, Merce García; Cano Marrón, Santiago Manuel; Arias, Alfredo Escartín; Sacrest, Miquel Falguera; Castellana-Perelló, Dolors; Barcenilla-Gaite, Fernando
Antimicrobial stewardship program at a tertiary care academic medical hospital: Clinical, microbiological and economic impact. A 5-year temporary descriptive study
Infection Prevention In Practice 2 100048-100048. .
Bernet Sánchez A; Bellés Bellés A; Aramburu Arnuelos J; Jover Sanz A; Sesé Abizanda E; Vallverdú Vidal M; García González M
Entamoeba histolytica liver abscess case: could stool PCR avoid it?
DIAGNOSIS 7 69-73. .
Benito N; Mur I; Ribera A; Soriano A; Rodríguez-Pardo D; Sorlí L; Cobo J; Fernández-Sampedro M; Del Toro MD; Guío L; Praena J; Bahamonde A; Riera M; Esteban J; Baraia-Etxaburu JM; Martínez-Alvarez J; Jover-Sáenz A; Dueñas C; Ramos A; Sobrino B; Euba G; Morata L; Pigrau C; Horcajada JP; Coll P; Crusi X; Ariza J; REIPI (Spanish Network for Research in Infectious Disease) Group for the Study o
The Different Microbial Etiology of Prosthetic Joint Infections according to Route of Acquisition and Time after Prosthesis Implantation, Including the Role of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms
Journal of Clinical Medicine 8 -. .
Escolà-Vergé L; Rodríguez-Pardo D; Lora-Tamayo J; Morata L; Murillo O; Vilchez H; Sorli L; Carrión LG; Barbero JM; Palomino-Nicás J; Bahamonde A; Jover-Sáenz A; Benito N; Escudero R; Sampedro MF; Vidal RP; Gómez L; Corona PS; Almirante B; Ariza J; Pigrau C
Candida periprosthetic joint infection: A rare and difficult-to-treat infection
Journal Of Infection 77 151-157. .
Ramírez Hidalgo M; Jover-Saenz, A; Garcia-Gonzalez, M; Barcenilla-Gaite, F
Dalbavancin treatment of prosthetic knee infection due to oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis
Lora-Tamayo J; Senneville É; Ribera A; Bernard L; Dupon M; Zeller V; Li HK; Arvieux C; Clauss M; Uçkay I; Vigante D; Ferry T; Iribarren JA; Peel TN; Sendi P; Miksic NG; Rodríguez-Pardo D; Del Toro MD; Fernández-Sampedro M; Dapunt U; Huotari K; Davis JS; Palomino J; Neut D; Clark BM; Gottlieb T; Trebše R; Soriano A; Bahamonde A; Guío L; Rico A; Salles MJC; Pais MJG; Benito N; Riera M; Gómez L; Aboltins CA; Esteban J; Horcajada JP; O'Connell K; Ferrari M; Skaliczki G; Juan RS; Cobo J; Sánchez-Somolinos M; Ramos A; Giannitsioti E; Jover-Sáenz A; Baraia-Etxaburu JM; Barbero JM; Choong PFM; Asseray N; Ansart S; Moal GL; Zimmerli W; Ariza J; Group of Investigators for Streptococcal Prosthetic Joint Infection
The Not-So-Good Prognosis of Streptococcal Periprosthetic Joint Infection Managed by Implant Retention: The Results of a Large Multicenter Study
- Multi-center, Randomized, Clinical Trial of Convalescent Plasma Therapy Versus Standard of Care for the Treatment of COVID-19 in Hospitalized Patients
- Estudio comparativo de eficacia de pautas cortas" y "largas" de la combinación Rifampicina-Levofloxacino en la infección estafilocócica postquirúrgica precoz y hematógena de prótesis articular"