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Genescà E; Morgades M; Montesinos P; Barba P; Gil C; Guàrdia R; Moreno MJ; Martínez-Carballeira D; García-Cadenas I; Vives S; Ribera J; González-Campos J; González-Gil C; Zamora L; Ramírez JL; Díaz-Beya M; Mercadal S; Artola MT; Cladera A; Tormo M; Bermúdez A; Vall-Llovera F; Martínez P; Amigo ML; Monsalvo S; Novo A; Cervera M; García-Guiñon A; Juncà J; Ciudad J; Orfao A; Ribera JM
Unique clinico-biological, genetic and prognostic features of adult early T-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
HAEMATOLOGICA 105 294-297. .
Ribera, JM; Morgades, M; Montesinos, P; Tormo, M; Martinez-Carballeira, D; Gonzalez-Campos, J; Gil, C; Barba, P; Garcia-Boyero, R; Coll, R; Pedreno, M; Ribera, J; Mercadal, S; Vives, S; Novo, A; Genesca, E; Hernandez-Rivas, JM; Bergua, J; Amigo, ML; Vall-Llovera, F; Martinez-Sanchez, P; Calbacho, M; Garcia-Cadenas, I; Garcia-Guinon, A; Sanchez-Sanchez, MJ; Cervera, M; Feliu, E; Orfao, A
A pediatric regimen for adolescents and young adults with Philadelphia chromosome-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Results of the ALLRE08 PETHEMA trial
Cancer Medicine 9 2317-2329. .
Ballester M; Quintanilla R; Ortega FJ; Serrano JCE; Cassanyé A; Rodríguez-Palmero M; Moreno-Muñoz JA; Portero-Otin M; Tibau J
Dietary intake of bioactive ingredients impacts liver and adipose tissue transcriptomes in a porcine model of prepubertal early obesity.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 5375-5375. .
Merichal, M; Tur, J; Mele, J; Olsina, JJ
Acute abdomen with hemoperitoneum: A rare manifestation of gastric volvulus.
CIRUGIA ESPANOLA 98 160-160. .
Jover-Sáenz, Alfredo; Ramírez-Hidalgo, María Fernanda; Vidal, Montserrat Vallverdú; González, Merce García; Cano Marrón, Santiago Manuel; Arias, Alfredo Escartín; Sacrest, Miquel Falguera; Castellana-Perelló, Dolors; Barcenilla-Gaite, Fernando
Antimicrobial stewardship program at a tertiary care academic medical hospital: Clinical, microbiological and economic impact. A 5-year temporary descriptive study
Infection Prevention In Practice 2 100048-100048. .
Dynamic physiotherapy for all patients admitted to the ICU according to their clinical status-describing a quality improvement program
Journal of Novel 7 1-6. .
Falguera, M; Vilanova, MB; Alcubierre, N; Granado-Casas, M; Marsal, JR; Miro, N; Cebrian, C; Molló À; Franch-Nadal, J; Mata-Cases, M; Castelblanco, E; Mauricio, D
Prevalence of pre-diabetes and undiagnosed diabetes in the Mollerussa prospective observational cohort study in a semi-rural area of Catalonia.
Bmj Open 10 -. .
Guilera T.; Batalla I.; Soler-González J.
Shadowing patients: Experiencing empathy in medical students
Educacion Medica 21 112-117. .
Vazquez-Justes, D; Carreño-Gago L; Garcia-Arum, E; Traveset, A; Montoya, J; Ruiz-Pesini, E; Lopez, R; Brieva, L
Mitochondrial m.13513G > A Point Mutation in ND5 in a 16-Year-Old Man with Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Detected by Next-Generation Sequencing
Journal of Pediatric Genetics 8 231-234. .
Cassanye, A; Martin-Gari, M; Portero-Otin, M; Serrano, JCE
Adipose Tissue Mitochondrial Factors Profile after Dietary Bioactive Compound Weight Reduction Treatments in a Mice Obesity Model
Lopez-Cano, C; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Sanchez, E; Gonzalez, J; Yeramian, A; Marti, R; Hernandez, M; Cao, G; Ribelles, M; Gomez, X; Barril, S; Barbe, F; Hernandez, C; Simo, R; Lecube, A
Sympathetic Hyperactivity and Sleep Disorders in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
Frontiers in Endocrinology 10 752-752. .
Yuguero O; Marsal JR; Esquerda M; Galvan L; Soler-González J
Cross-sectional study of the association between empathy and burnout and drug prescribing quality in primary care.
Primary Health Care Research and Development 20 145-. .