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  • Servia, L; Serrano JCE; Pamplona, R; Badia, M; Montserrat, N; Portero-Otin, M; Trujillano, J

    Location-dependent effects of trauma on oxidative stress in humans

    PLOS ONE 13 -. .


  • Lecube, A.; Sanchez, E.; Lopez-Cano, C.; Sanchez, M.; Gaeta, A.; Purroy, F.; Pamplona, R.; Ortega, M.; Vidal, T.; Betriu, A.; Gomez, X.; Hernandez, M.; Olsina, J.; Hernandez, C.; Simo, R.

    Pulmonary function in prediabetes: dysfunction appears before the development of type 2 diabetes

    Diabetologia 61 512-512. .

  • Dawson, EH; Bailly TPM; Dos Santos, J; Moreno, C; Devilliers, M; Maroni, B; Sueur, C; Casali, A; Ujvari, B; Thomas, F; Montagne, J; Mery, F

    Social environment mediates cancer progression in Drosophila

    Nature Communications 9 3574-3574. .


  • Granado-Casas, M; Ramirez-Morros, A; Martin, M; Real, J; Alonso, N; Valldeperas, X; Traveset, A; Rubinat, E; Alcubierre, N; Hernandez, M; Puig-Domingo, M; Lecube, A; Castelblanco, E; Mauricio, D

    Type 1 Diabetic Subjects with Diabetic Retinopathy Show an Unfavorable Pattern of Fat Intake

    Nutrients 10 -. .


  • de Miguel Artal, Mariano; Roca Chacon, Olga; Martinez-Alonso, Montse; Serrano Godoy, Marcos; Mas Atance, Jaume; Garcia Gutierrez, Roberto

    Fractura de cadera en el paciente anciano: factores pronóstico de mortalidad y recuperación funcional al año.

    Revista espanola de geriatria y gerontologia 53 247-254. .


  • Colàs-Campàs L; Royo, JL; Montserrat, MV; Marzo, C; Molina-Seguin, J; Benabdelhak, I; Cambray, S; Purroy, F

    The rs2108622 polymorphism is related to the early risk of ischemic stroke in non-valvular atrial fibrillation subjects under oral anticoagulation



  • Yuguero, O; Melnick, ER; Marsal, JR; Esquerda, M; Soler-Gonzalez, J

    Cross-sectional study of the association between healthcare professionals' empathy and burnout and the number of annual primary care visits per patient under their care in Spain

    Bmj Open 8 -. .


  • Olivera, P; Gabilondo, M; Constans, M; Tàssies D; Plensa, E; Pons, V; Las Heras G; Jimenez, C; Campoy, D; Bustins, A; Oliver, A; Marzo, C; Canals, T; Varela, A; Sorigue, M; Sanchez, E; Ene, G; Perea, G; Vicente, L; Lopez, M; Cerda, M; Johansson, E; Aguinaco, MR; Santos, N; Mateo, J; Reverter, JC; Moya, A; Santamaria, A

    Recommendations of the Catalan Group of Thrombosis (Tromboc@t Working Group) for the treatment of patients receiving oral direct anticoagulants

    MEDICINA CLINICA 151 210-210. .


  • Domingo, P; Fernandez, I; Gallego-Escuredo, JM; Torres, F; Gutierrez MDM; Mateo, MG; Villarroya, J; Giralt, M; Vidal, F; Villarroya, F; Domingo, JC

    Effects of docosahexanoic acid on metabolic and fat parameters in HIV-infected patients on cART: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

    CLINICAL NUTRITION 37 1340-1347. .


  • Mollo, A; Hernandez, M; Marsal, JR; Esquerda, A; Rius, F; Blanco-Vaca, F; Verdaguer, J; Pozzilli, P; de Leiva, A; Mauricio, D

    Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults is perched between type 1 and type 2: evidence from adults in one region of Spain (vol 29, pg 446, 2013)



  • García Romero M; Sistac Ballarín JM; Escudero, JA

    Recertification is comming. Afraid? Not al all



  • Carbonell, M; Castelblanco, E; Valldeperas, X; Betriu À; Traveset, A; Granado-Casas, M; Hernandez, M; Vazquez, F; Martin, M; Rubinat, E; Lecube, A; Franch-Nadal, J; Fernandez, E; Puig-Domingo, M; Avogaro, A; Alonso, N; Mauricio, D

    Diabetic retinopathy is associated with the presence and burden of subclinical carotid atherosclerosis in type 1 diabetes

    Cardiovascular Diabetology 17 66-66. .
