Grupo de Cirugía Clínica y Experimental (CESurG)
- Número de publicaciones
- 111
Carmona-Maurici J; Amigó N; Cuello E; Bermúdez M; Baena-Fustegueras JA; Peinado-Onsurbe J; Pardina E
Bariatric surgery decreases oxidative stress and protein glycosylation in patients with morbid obesity.
Muriel P; Escartín A; González ML; Olsina JJ
Robotic cholecystectomy in situs inversus totalis.
CIRUGIA ESPANOLA 98 554-554. .
García-Olmo DC; Peiró-Pastor R; Picazo MG; Olmedillas-López S; García-Arranz M; Aguado B; García-Olmo D
Liquid biopsy by NGS: Differential presence of exons (DPE) is related to metastatic potential in a colon-cancer model in the rat.
Translational Oncology 13 100837-100837. .
Merichal Resina M; Cerdan Santacruz C; Sierra Grañón E; Tarragona Foradada JA; Olsina Kissler JJ
Anal melanoma, a radical distinct pathology to the cutaneous melanoma, with an infaustic forecast.
CIRUGIA ESPANOLA 98 491-493. .
Carmona-Maurici, J; Cuello, E; Sanchez, E; Miñarro A; Rius, F; Bueno, M; de la Fuente, MC; Olsina Kissler JJ; Vidal, T; Maria, V; Betriu À; Lecube, A; Baena-Fustegueras, JA; Peinado-Onsurbe, J; Pardina, E
Impact of bariatric surgery on subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with morbid obesity.
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 16 1419-1428. .
Carmona-Maurici J; Cuello E; Ricart-Jané D; Miñarro A; Olsina Kissler JJ; Baena-Fustegueras JA; Peinado-Onsurbe J; Pardina E
Effect of bariatric surgery in the evolution of oxidative stress depending on the presence of atheroma in patients with morbid obesity.
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 16 1258-1265. .
Villalobos Mori R; Maestre González Y; Mias Carballal M; Gas Ruiz C; Protti Ruiz G; Escartin Arias A; Olsina Kissler JJ
Novel method for delayed primary closure and incisional hernia prevention in open abdomen: COmbined and MOdified Definitive Abdominal wall closure (COMODA).
Hernia 24 395-401. .
Merichal Resina M; Cerdan Santacruz C; Sierra Grañón E; Tarragona Foradada JA; Olsina Kissler JJ
Leiomyosarcoma of the colon. A very uncommon condition with poor prognosis.
Merichal, M; Tur, J; Mele, J; Olsina, JJ
Acute abdomen with hemoperitoneum: A rare manifestation of gastric volvulus.
CIRUGIA ESPANOLA 98 160-160. .
Jover-Sáenz, Alfredo; Ramírez-Hidalgo, María Fernanda; Vidal, Montserrat Vallverdú; González, Merce García; Cano Marrón, Santiago Manuel; Arias, Alfredo Escartín; Sacrest, Miquel Falguera; Castellana-Perelló, Dolors; Barcenilla-Gaite, Fernando
Antimicrobial stewardship program at a tertiary care academic medical hospital: Clinical, microbiological and economic impact. A 5-year temporary descriptive study
Infection Prevention In Practice 2 100048-100048. .
Tur Martínez, Jaume; Muriel, P; Escartin, A; Olsina, JJ
Duodenal segmentary resection for gastrointestinal stromal tumour: A full laparoscopic approach
Tur Martínez J; Escartin, A; Pardina, M; Olsina, JJ
Celiacomesenteric trunk: A rare vascular variant