Directori de persones
Olga Masot Ariño

Olga Masot Ariño

Grau: Doctor/a




  • Masot, O; Pascual, A; García-Expósito, J; Miranda, J; Camí, C; Botigué, T

    Trends in Dehydration in Older People: Identifying Landmark Scientific Contributions

    Nutrients 17 -. .


  • Torné-Ruiz, A; García-Expósito, J; Bonet, A; Masot, O; Roca, J; Selva-Pareja, L

    Evolution of Scientific Production on Phlebitis Secondary to Vascular Access: A 71-Year Bibliometric Analysis. (vol 13, pg 1635, 2023)

    Nursing Reports 14 2207-2208. .


  • Masot, O; Paraiso-Pueyo, E; Lavedan-Santamana, A; Botigue, T; Selva-Pareja, L; Barallat-Gimeno, E; Alzuria-Alos, RM; Espart, A

    Nursing Student Perception of Different Simulation Methodologies Applied to Help First-Year Students Integrate Knowledge Acquired: A Cross-Sectional Study

    Clinical Simulation in Nursing 91 -. .


  • Seck, F; Masot, O; Carey, N; Roca, J; Botigué, T; Pueyo, EP; Santamaría, AL

    Nurses' perceived barriers and facilitators to the implementation of nurse prescribing: Delphi study and focus group

    Journal Of Advanced Nursing 80 2106-2120. .


  • Labadía, EF; Masot, O; Vidal, LLT; Botigué, T; Bielsa-Gracia, S

    Educational interventions and identification of risk factors to prevent and reduce peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis: A scoping review

    Journal Of Renal Care 50 307-318. .


  • Botigué, T; Camí, C; Selva-Pareja, L; Masot, O; Espart, A; Campoy, C; Roca, J

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Two Years after the Start of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Study

    Journal of Nursing Management 2024 -. .


  • Torné-Ruiz, A; García-Expósito, J; Bonet, A; Masot, O; Roca, J; Selva-Pareja, L

    Evolution of Scientific Production on Phlebitis Secondary to Vascular Access: A 71-Year Bibliometric Analysis

    Nursing Reports 13 1635-1647. .


  • Masot O; Ochoa Herrera JJ; Paraíso Pueyo E; Roca J; Miranda J; Lavedán A

    The impact of docosahexaenoic acid on maternal mental health: scoping review.



  • Osorio-Spuler X; Illesca-Pretty M; Gonzalez-Osorio L; Masot O; Fuentes-Pumarola C; Reverté-Villarroya S; Ortega L; Rascón-Hernán C

    Emotional exhaustion in nursing students. A multicenter study.

    Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP 57 -. .


  • Solis-Navarro L; Masot O; Torres-Castro R; Otto-Yáñez M; Fernández-Jané C; Solà-Madurell M; Coda A; Cyrus-Barker E; Sitjà-Rabert M; Pérez LM

    Effects on Sleep Quality of Physical Exercise Programs in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

    Clocks & Sleep 5 152-166. .


  • Masot, O; Cox, A; Mold, F; Sund-Levander, M; Tingström P; Boersema, GC; Botigue, T; Daltrey, J; Hughes, K; Mayhorn, CB; Montgomery, A; Mullan, J; Carey, N

    Decision support-tools for early detection of infection in older people (aged> 65 years): a scoping review.

    BMC Geriatrics 22 552-552. .


  • Santamaria, AL; Masot, O; Velez, OC; Botigue, T; Sanchez, TC; Roca, J

    Diagnostic Concordance between the Visual Analogue Anxiety Scale (VAS-A) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) in Nursing Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic




  • Eficacia y eficiencia de GEL-AID, agua gelificada para la hidratación segura y eficaz de personas mayores institucionalizadas