Lorite, NP; Apostolova, S; Guasch-Vallés, M; Pryer, A; Unzueta, F; Freire, R; Solé-Soler, R; Pedraza, N; Dolcet, X; Garí, E; Agell, N; Taylor, EM; Colomina, N; Torres-Rosell, J
Crucial role of the NSE1 RING domain in Smc5/6 stability and FANCM-independent fork progression
Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 81 251-251. .
Pedraza N; Monserrat MV; Ferrezuelo F; Torres-Rosell J; Colomina N; Miguez-Cabello F; Párraga JP; Soto D; López-Merino E; García-Vilela C; Esteban JA; Egea J; Garí E
Cyclin D1-Cdk4 regulates neuronal activity through phosphorylation of GABAA receptors.
Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 80 280-280. .
Matas-Nadal C; Bech-Serra JJ; Gatius S; Gomez X; Ribes-Santolaria M; Guasch-Vallés M; Pedraza N; Casanova JM; Gómez CT; Garí E; Aguayo-Ortiz RS
Biomarkers found in the tumor interstitial fluid may help explain the differential behavior among keratinocyte carcinomas.
Cemeli, Tania; Guasch-Valles, Marta; Ribes-Santolaria, Marina; Ibars, Eva; Navaridas, Raul; Dolcet, Xavier; Pedraza, Neus; Colomina, Neus; Torres-Rosell, Jordi; Ferrezuelo, Francisco; Herreros, Judit; Gari, Eloi
Antitumor Effects of Ral-GTPases Downregulation in Glioblastoma.
Bozic, M; Caus, M; Rodrigues-Diez, RR; Pedraza, N; Ruiz-Ortega, M; Gari, E; Gallel, P; Panades, MJ; Martinez, A; Fernandez, E; Valdivielso, JM
Protective role of renal proximal tubular alpha-synuclein in the pathogenesis of kidney fibrosis.
Nature Communications 11 1943-1943. .
Cemeli, T; Guasch-Valles, M; Nàger M; Felip, I; Cambray, S; Santacana, M; Gatius, S; Pedraza, N; Dolcet, X; Ferrezuelo, F; Schuhmacher, AJ; Herreros, J; Gari, E
Cytoplasmic cyclin D1 regulates glioblastoma dissemination
Fuste, NP; Guasch, M; Guillen, P; Anerillas, C; Cemeli, T; Pedraza, N; Ferrezuelo, F; Encinas, M; Moralejo, M; Gari, E
Barley beta-glucan accelerates wound healing by favoring migration versus proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts
Pedraza, Neus; Cemeli, Tania; Monserrat, Ma Ventura; Gari, Eloi; Ferrezuelo, Francisco
Regulation of small GTPase activity by G1 cyclins.
Small GTPases 10 47-53. .
Ortiz, R; Georgieva, MV; Gutierrez, S; Pedraza, N; Fernandez-Moya, SM; Gallego, C
Recruitment of Staufen2 Enhances Dendritic Localization of an Intron-Containing CaMKII alpha mRNA
Cell Reports 20 13-20. .
Fuste, NP; Fernandez-Hernandez, R; Cemeli, T; Mirantes, C; Pedraza, N; Rafel, M; Torres-Rosell, J; Colomina, N; Ferrezuelo, F; Dolcet, X; Gari, E
Cytoplasmic cyclin D1 regulates cell invasion and metastasis through the phosphorylation of paxillin
Nature Communications 7 11581-11581. .
Fuste, NP; Castelblanco, E; Felip, I; Santacana, M; Fernandez-Hernandez, R; Gatius, S; Pedraza, N; Pallares, J; Cemeli, T; Valls, J; Tarres, M; Ferrezuelo, F; Dolcet, X; Matias-Guiu, X; Gari, E
Characterization of cytoplasmic cyclin D1 as a marker of invasiveness in cancer
Oncotarget 7 26979-26991. .
Pedraza, Neus; Rafel, Marta; Navarro, Isis; Encinas, Mario; Aldea, Marti; Gallego, Carme
Mixed lineage kinase phosphorylates transcription factor E47 and inhibits TrkB expression to link neuronal death and survival pathways.
Journal Of Biological Chemistry 284 32980-32988. .