Valenzuela-Pascual, F; Verdejo-Amengual, FJ; Martinez-Navarro, O; Blanco-Blanco, J; El Arab, RA; Rubinat-Arnaldo, E; Masbernat-Almenara, M; Rubí-Carnacea, F; Martí, BM; Barbé, F; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M
Sequential exploratory mixed-method research of an eHealth intervention on blood pressure, sleep quality and physical activity in obstructive sleep apnoea: rationale and methodology of the Moore4Medical trial protocol
BMJ Open Respiratory Research 11 -. .
Vlacho, B; Iniesta, AM; Gratacòs, M; Mata-Cases, M; Rubinat, E; Berenguera, A; Cos, FX; Franch-Nadal, J; Mauricio, D
Effectiveness of a multicomponent healthcare intervention on blood pressure and lipids among subjects with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes: Findings from the INTEGRA study
Primary Care Diabetes 18 402-408. .
El Arab, RA; Urbanavice, R; Jakavonyte-Akstiniene, A; Skvarcevskaja, M; Austys, D; Briones-Vozmediano, E; Rubinat-Arnaldo, E; Istomina, N
"We want our freedom back, that's our only need": a qualitative study of health and social needs among asylum seekers and undocumented migrants crossing the borders from Belarus to Lithuania
Frontiers in Public Health 12 1371119-1371119. .
Robledo Martín J; Acea López L; Alcolea Cosín MT; Pérez Urdiales I; Bellon F; Oter Quintana C; Blanco Blanco J; Rubinat Arnaldo E; Pastor Bravo MDM; Briones Vozmediano E
Estrés y ansiedad en estudiantes de enfermería durante la primera ola de la pandemia de COVID-19.
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A multicomponent health care intervention is associated with improved glycaemic control in subjects with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes compared with routine care: The INTEGRA study
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Perioperative glycaemic control for people with diabetes undergoing surgery.
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Robledo-Martín J; Acea-López L; Pérez-Urdiales I; Alcolea-Cosín MT; Bellon F; Oter-Quintana C; Blanco-Blanco J; Pastor-Bravo MDM; Rubinat-Arnaldo E; Briones-Vozmediano E
From students to nurses under pressure: Nursing students' entry into employment during the first COVID-19 wave.
El Arab, RA; Somerville, J; Abuadas, FH; Rubinat-Arnaldo, E; Sagbakken, M
Health and well-being of refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants, and internally displaced persons under COVID-19: a scoping review.
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Molló À; Vlacho B; Gratacòs M; Mata-Cases M; Rubinat E; Berenguera A; Real J; Puig-Treserra R; Cos X; Franch-Nadal J; Khunti K; Mauricio D; Montero L; Carbonell-Badia M; Solanes-Cabus M; Porté-Llotge M; Costa-Menén A; de la Puente JFB; Arnau C; Benito-Badorrey B; de la Iglesia PP; Buil-Arasanz ME; Martínez D; Franco-Comet P; Ledesma-Joanmiquel M; Hernandez-Boluda E; Partegàs-Torres X; Martínez-Laguna D; Peligros-Palma J; Lafarga-Giribets A; Millera SM; Rodríguez-Aguilar R; Fernández-Galán MJ
Impact of a Multicomponent Healthcare Intervention on Glycemic Control in Subjects with Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetes: The INTEGRA Study.
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Caffeine and the Risk of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Findings from Clinical and Experimental Studies.
Nutrients 15 -. .
El Arab, RA; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Valenzuela-Pascual, F; Rubinat-Arnaldo, E; Blanco-Blanco, J; Rubi-Carnacea, F; Martinez-Navarro, O; Mediano, O; Gea-Sanchez, M
Nursing Professionals' Role in the Comprehensive Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Literature Review
Applied Sciences-Basel 13 -. .
El Arab RA; Urbanavice R; Jakavonyte-Akstiniene A; Skvarcevskaja M; Austys D; Mateos JT; Briones-Vozmediano E; Rubinat-Arnaldo E; Istomina N
Health and social needs of asylum seekers and Ukrainian refugees in Lithuania: A mixed-method protocol.
Frontiers in Public Health 10 1025446-1025446. .
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