Directori de persones
Ester Vilapriño Terre

Ester Vilapriño Terre

Grau: Doctor/a




  • Cardenas, PD; Sonawane, PD; Heinig, U; Jozwiak, A; Panda, S; Abebie, B; Kazachkova, Y; Pliner, M; Unger, T; Wolf, D; Ofner, I; Vilaprinyo, E; Meir, S; Davydov, O; Gal-On, A; Burdman, S; Giri, A; Zamir, D; Scherf, T; Szymanski, J; Rogachev, I; Aharoni, A

    Pathways to defense metabolites and evading fruit bitterness in genus Solanum evolved through 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases

    Nature Communications 10 5169-5169. .


  • Granado-Serrano, AB; Martin-Gari, M; Sanchez, V; Riart Solans M; Berdun, R; Ludwig, IA; Rubio, L; Vilaprinyo, E; Portero-Otin, M; Serrano JCE

    Faecal bacterial and short-chain fatty acids signature in hypercholesterolemia

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 9 1772-1772. .


  • Pereira, T; Muguruza, J; Maria, V; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas, A; Fernandez, E; Fernandez-Armenteros, JM; Baena, JA; Rius, F; Betriu, A; Solsona, F; Alves, R


    Ultrasound In Medicine And Biology 44 2780-2792. .


  • Pereira, T; Vilaprinyo, E; Belli, G; Herrero, E; Salvado, B; Sorribas, A; Altes, G; Alves, R

    Quantitative Operating Principles of Yeast Metabolism during Adaptation to Heat Stress

    Cell Reports 22 2421-2430. .


  • Piñol M.; Alves, R; Teixido, I; Mateo, J; Solsona, F; Vilaprinyo, E

    Rare Disease Discovery: An Optimized Disease Ranking System

    Ieee Transactions On Industrial Informatics 13 1184-1192. .


  • Comas, J; Benfeitas, R; Vilaprinyo, E; Sorribas, A; Solsona, F; Farre, G; Berman, J; Zorrilla, U; Capell, T; Sandmann, G; Zhu, CF; Christou, P; Alves, R

    Identification of line-specific strategies for improving carotenoid production in synthetic maize through data-driven mathematical modeling

    PLANT JOURNAL 87 455-471. .


  • Alves, R; Pinol, M; Vilaplana, J; Teixido, I; Cruz, J; Comas, J; Vilaprinyo, E; Sorribas, A; Solsona, F

    Computer-assisted initial diagnosis of rare diseases

    PeerJ 4 -. .


  • Petrezselyova, S; Lopez-Malo, M; Canadell, D; Roque, A; Serra-Cardona, A; Marques, MC; Vilaprinyo, E; Alves, R; Yenush, L; Ariño J

    Regulation of the Na+/K+-ATPase Ena1 Expression by Calcineurin/Crz1 under High pH Stress: A Quantitative Study

    PLOS ONE 11 -. .


  • Salvado, B; Vilaprinyo, E; Sorribas, A; Alves, R

    A survey of HK, HPt, and RR domains and their organization in two-component systems and phosphorelay proteins of organisms with fully sequenced genomes

    PeerJ 3 -. .


  • Comas M; Arrospide A; Mar J; Sala M; Vilaprinyó E; Hernández C; Cots F; Martínez J; Castells X

    Budget Impact Analysis of Switching to Digital Mammography in a Population-Based Breast Cancer Screening Program: A Discrete Event Simulation Model

    PLOS ONE 9 -. .


  • Vilaprinyo E; Forné C; Carles M; Sala M; Pla R; Castells X; Domingo L; Rue M

    Cost-Effectiveness and Harm-Benefit Analyses of Risk-Based Screening Strategies for Breast Cancer

    PLOS ONE 9 -. .


  • Bai C; Rivera SM; Medina V; Alves R; Vilaprinyo E; Sorribas A; Canela R; Capell T; Sandmann G; Christou P; Zhu C

    An in vitro system for the rapid functional characterization of genes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation

    PLANT JOURNAL 77 464-475. .



  • Development of a simulation environment as a tool to support the design of studies and clinical trials.
  • Optimización de los programas de cribado poblacional mediante modelos matemáticos: aplicación al cribado del cáncer de mama en España