Ricard Lopez Ortega
Grau: Llicenciat/da
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/ABF-8142-2021
Vázquez-Justes D; Peñalva-García J; López R; Mitjana R; Begue R; González-Mingot C
Parkinsonism phenotype in a family with adult onset Alexander disease and a novel mutation of GFAP.
Vazquez-Justes, D; Carreño-Gago L; Garcia-Arum, E; Traveset, A; Montoya, J; Ruiz-Pesini, E; Lopez, R; Brieva, L
Mitochondrial m.13513G > A Point Mutation in ND5 in a 16-Year-Old Man with Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Detected by Next-Generation Sequencing
Journal of Pediatric Genetics 8 231-234. .
Mora, E; Portella, MJ; Piñol-Ripoll G; Lopez, R; Cuadras, D; Forcada, I; Teres, M; Vieta, E; Mur, M
High BDNF serum levels are associated to good cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder
Visa, A; Sallan, MC; Maiques, O; Alza, L; Talavera, E; Lopez-Ortega, R; Santacana, M; Herrero, J; Canti, C
T-Type Ca(v)3.1 Channels Mediate Progression and Chemotherapeutic Resistance in Glioblastoma
CANCER RESEARCH 79 1857-1868. .
Ortega, Ricard L; Dakterzada, Farida; Arias, Alfonso; Blasco, Ester; Naudi, Alba; Garcia, Francisco P; Piñol-Ripoll G
Usefulness of CSF Biomarkers in Predicting the Progression of Amnesic and Nonamnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease.
Current aging science 12 35-42. .
Ruiz, M; Arias, A; Sanchez-Llanos, E; Gil, MP; Lopez-Ortega, R; Dakterzada, F; Purroy, F; Piñol-Ripoll G
Minor Hallucinations in Alzheimer's Disease
Journal Of Alzheimers Disease 64 543-549. .
Mora, E.; Portella, M.; Pinol-Ripoll, G.; Lopez, R.; Cuadras, D.; Forcada, I.; Teres, M.; Vieta, E.; Mur, M.
Neurotrophins, inflammation and oxidative damage as mediators of cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder
European Neuropsychopharmacology 27 821-822. .
Blasco-Pérez L; Iranzo-Nuez L; López-Ortega R; Martínez-Cruz D; Camprodon-Gómez M; Tenés A; Antolín M; Tizzano EF; García-Arumí E
An integral approach to the molecular diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis complex: the role of mosaicism and splicing variants.
Journal Of Molecular Diagnostics -. .
- Disentangling cliNical, neurObiological, and geneTic correlates of fIrst-episOde maNia in Bipolar. The NOTION Project
- Assaig clínic de fase III, aleatoritzat, controlat amb comparador actiu, per estudiar l'eficàcia i la seguretat del programa de REMediació Cognitiva Integral (INCREM) en pacients amb Depressió.
- Importancia del sueño y los ritmos circadianos en la biología y evolución clínica de los sujetos en el continuum de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer.
- Impact of obstructive sleep apnea in the evolution of alzheimer disease. Role of Hypoxia and sleep fragmentation
- Papel de los marcadores neurobiológicos en la disfunción cognitiva y psicosocial en el trastorno bipolar