Directori de persones
Francisco Purroy Garcia

Francisco Purroy Garcia

Grau: Doctor/a




  • Kelly, P; Lemmens, R; Weimar, C; Walsh, C; Purroy, F; Barber, M; Collins, R; Cronin, S; Czlonkowska, A; Desfontaines, P; De Pauw, A; Evans, NR; Fischer, U; Fonseca, C; Forbes, J; Hill, MD; Jatuzis, D; Korv, J; Kraft, P; Kruuse, C; Lynch, C; McCabe, D; Mikulik, R; Murphy, S; Nederkoorn, P; O'Donnell, M; Sandercock, P; Schroeder, B; Shim, G; Tobin, K; Williams, DJ; Price, C

    Long-term colchicine for the prevention of vascular recurrent events in non-cardioembolic stroke (CONVINCE) : a randomised controlledtrial

    Lancet 404 125-133. .


  • Mccabe, JJ; Walsh, C; Gorey, S; Harris, K; Hervella, P; Iglesias-Rey, R; Jern, C; Li, LX; Miyamoto, N; Montaner, J; Pedersen, A; Purroy, F; Rothwell, PM; Sudlow, C; Ueno, Y; Vicente-Pascual, M; Whiteley, W; Woodward, M; Kelly, PJ

    Plasma fibrinogen and risk of vascular recurrence after ischaemic stroke: An individual participant and summary-level data meta-analysis of 11 prospective studies

    European Stroke Journal 9 704-713. .


  • McCabe JJ; Walsh C; Gorey S; Harris K; Hervella P; Iglesias-Rey R; Jern C; Li L; Miyamoto N; Montaner J; Pedersen A; Purroy FF; Rothwell PM; Sudlow CL; Ueno Y; Vicente-Pascual M; Whiteley WN; Woodward M; Kelly PJ

    C-Reactive Protein, Interleukin-6, and Vascular Recurrence According to Stroke Subtype: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis.

    Neurology 102 208016-208016. .


  • Yuguero, O; Bernal, M; Farré, J; Martinez-Alonso, M; Vena, A; Purroy, F

    Clinical complications after a traumatic brain injury and its relation with brain biomarkers

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13 20057-20057. .


  • Mingot, CG; Lasaosa, SS; Campas, LC; Canaval, LC; Sánchez, AG; Ruiz, LB; Alonso, MCM; Moncusi, SP; Marsal, JV; Carner, SC; García, FP

    Prophylactic treatment can modify vascular risk biomarkers in high-frequency episodic and chronic migraine patients: a pilot study

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13 19416-19416. .


  • Garcia-Tornel, A; Lozano, P; Rubiera, M; Requena, M; Olivé-Gadea, M; Muchada, M; Juega, J; Rizzo, F; Rodriguez-Villatoro, N; Pagola, J; Rodriguez-Luna, D; Boned, S; Dorado, L; Jiménez, X; Soto, A; Cardona, P; Urra, X; Chamorro, A; Purroy, F; Terceño, M; Silva, Y; Flores, A; Ustrell, X; Zaragoza, J; Roquer, J; Kuprinski, J; Cocho, D; Palomeras, E; Gomez-Choco, M; Canovas, D; Martí-Fabregas, J; Mas, N; Abilleira, S; Molina, C; Ribó, M; de la Ossa, NP

    Thrombolysis in Patients With Large-Vessel Occlusion Directly Admitted or Transferred to a Thrombectomy Center: A Population-Based Study

    Stroke-Vascular And Interventional Neurology 3 -. .


  • Purroy, F; Ois, A; Jove, M; Arque, G; Sol, J; Mauri-Capdevila, G; Rodriguez-Campello, A; Pamplona, R; PORTERO, M; Roquer, J

    Lipidomic signature of stroke recurrence after transient ischemic attack

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 13 13706-13706. .


  • Campo-Caballero, D; de la Riva, P; de Arce, A; Martinez-Zabaleta, M; Rodriguez-Antiguedad, J; Ekiza, J; Iruzubieta, P; Purroy, F; Fuentes, B; Alfonso, MD; Krupinski, J; Chirife, JJM; Palomeras, E; Guisado-Alonso, D; Rodriguez-Yanez, M; Ustrell, X; Garcia, JT; Mimbrera, AD; Pare-Curell, M; Tembl, J; Cajaraville, S; Garces, M; Serena, J

    Reperfusion treatment in acute ischaemic stroke due to cervical and cerebral artery dissection: results of a Spanish national multicentre study

    NEUROLOGIA 38 412-418. .


  • Campo-Caballero D; de la Riva P; de Arce A; Martínez-Zabaleta M; Rodríguez-Antigüedad J; Ekiza J; Iruzubieta P; Purroy F; Fuentes B; de Lera Alfonso M; Krupinski J; Mengual Chirife JJ; Palomeras E; Guisado-Alonso D; Rodríguez-Yáñez M; Ustrell X; Tejada García J; de Felipe Mimbrera A; Paré-Curell M; Tembl J; Cajaraville S; Garcés M; Serena J

    Reperfusion therapy in acute ischaemic stroke due to cervical and cerebral artery dissection: Results from a Spanish multicentre study.

    Neurologia (barcelona, Spain) 38 412-418. .


  • Vicente-Pascual, M; Quilez, A; Gil, MP; Gonzalez-Mingot, C; Vazquez-Justes, D; Mauri-Capdevila, G; Sanahuja, J; Garcia-Vazquez, C; Purroy, F

    The influence of organisational management on door-to-needle times for fibrinolytic treatment

    NEUROLOGIA 38 313-318. .


  • Munoz, SS; Campillo, MDE; Borrega, CS; Azeli, Y; Gil, SQ; Ruiz, A; Albacete, G; Peral, OM; Lluch, S; Delgado, SA; Blas, YS; Urra, X; Calderon, DC; Fabregas, JM; Jacobi, MR; Portela, PC; Garcia, FP; Oller, ED; Benitez, VH; Flores, A; Rubiera, M; Palomeras, E; Garcia-Tornel, A; Soler, RS; Roquet, DV; Salvat-Plana, M; Pachon, AR; Herrero, NPD; Fabrega, XJ

    Prehospital care process and hospital outcomes in stroke-code cases: comparison of basic and advance life support ambulance attendance

    EMERGENCIAS 35 167-175. .

  • McCabe, JJ; Walsh, C; Gorey, S; Harris, K; Hervella, P; Iglesias-Rey, R; Jern, C; Li, LX; Miyamoto, N; Montaner, J; Pedersen, A; Purroy, F; Rothwell, PM; Sudlow, C; Ueno, Y; Vicente-Pascual, M; Whiteley, W; Woodward, M; Kelly, PJ

    C-Reactive Protein, Interleukin-6, and Vascular Recurrence After Stroke: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis

    STROKE 54 1289-1299. .

