Directori de persones
Loreta Medina Hernandez

Loreta Medina Hernandez

Grau: Doctor/a

973 702 961



  • Legaz, I; Garcia-Lopez, M; Medina, L

    Subpallial origin of part of the calbindin-positive neurons of the claustral complex and piriform cortex



  • Legaz, I; Olmos, L; Real, MA; Guirado, S; Davila, JC; Medina, L

    Development of neurons and fibers containing calcium binding proteins in the pallial amygdala of mouse, with special emphasis on those of the basolateral amygdalar complex

    Journal Of Comparative Neurology 488 492-513. .


  • Jarvis, E; Gunturkun, O; Bruce, L; Csillag, A; Karten, H; Kuenzel, W; Medina, L; Paxinos, G; Perkel, DJ; Shimizu, T; Striedter, G; Wild, JM; Ball, GF; Dugas-Ford, J; Durand, SE; Hough, GE; Husband, S; Kubikova, L; Lee, DW; Mello, CV; Powers, A; Siang, C; Smulders, TV; Wada, K; White, SA; Yamamoto, K; Yu, J; Reiner, A; Butler, AB; Avian Brain Nomenclature Consorti

    Avian brains and a new understanding of vertebrate brain evolution

    Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6 151-159. .


  • Davila, JC; Real, MA; Olmos, L; Legaz, I; Medina, L; Guirado, S

    Embryonic and postnatal development of GaBa, calbindin, calretinin, and parvalbumin in the mouse claustral complex

    Journal Of Comparative Neurology 481 42-57. .


  • Reiner, A; Perkel, DJ; Bruce, LL; Butler, AB; Csillag, A; Kuenzel, W; Medina, L; Paxinos, G; Shimizu, T; Striedter, G; Wild, M; Ball, GF; Durand, S; Gunturkun, O; Lee, DW; Mello, CV; Powers, A; White, SA; Hough, G; Kubikova, L; Smulders, TV; Wada, K; Dugas-Ford, J; Band, SH; Yamamoto, K; Yu, J; Siang, C; Jarvis, ED

    Revised nomenclature for avian telencephalon and some related brainstem nuclei (vol 473, pg 377, 2004)

    Journal Of Comparative Neurology 475 288-288. .

  • Medina, L; Legaz, I; Gonzalez, G; De Castro, F; Rubenstein, JLR; Puelles, L

    Expression of Dbx1, Neurogenin 2, Semaphorin 5a, Cadherin 8, and Emx1 distinguish ventral and lateral pallial histogenetic divisions in the developing mouse claustroamygdaloid complex

    Journal Of Comparative Neurology 474 504-523. .


  • Brox, A; Puelles, L; Ferreiro, B; Medina, L

    Expression of the genes Emx1, Tbr1, and Eomes (Tbr2) in the telencephalon of Xenopus laevis confirms the existence of a ventral pallial division in all tetrapods

    Journal Of Comparative Neurology 474 562-577. .


  • Reiner, A; Perkel, DJ; Bruce, LL; Butler, AB; Csillag, A; Kuenzel, W; Medina, L; Paxinos, G; Shimizu, T; Striedter, G; Wild, M; Ball, GF; Durand, S; Gunturkun, O; Lee, DW; Mello, CV; Powers, A; White, SA; Hough, G; Kubikova, L; Smulders, TV; Wada, K; Dugas-Ford, J; Husband, S; Yamamoto, K; Yu, J; Siang, C; Jarvis, ED

    Revised nomenclature for avian telencephalon and some related brainstem nuclei

    Journal Of Comparative Neurology 473 377-414. .


  • Medina, L

    Histogenetic divisions, developmental mechanisms, and cortical evolution


  • Brox, A; Puelles, L; Ferreiro, B; Medina, L

    Expression of the genes GaD67 and Distal-less-4 in the forebrain of Xenopus laevis confirms a common pattern in tetrapods

    Journal Of Comparative Neurology 461 370-393. .


  • Gonzalez, G; Puelles, L; Medina, L

    Organization of the mouse dorsal thalamus based on topology, calretinin immnunostaining, and gene expression



  • Redies, C; Kovjanic, D; Heyers, D; Medina, L; Hirano, S; Suzuki, ST; Puelles, L

    Patch/matrix patterns of gray matter differentiation in the telencephalon of chicken and mouse




  • Arquitectura molecular de los centros y redes del cerebro que regulan emoción y cognición: implicaciones para la Psiquiatría.
  • Variations in stress responsivity in hens: matching birds to environments
  • Variations in stress responsivity in hens: matching birds to environments
  • Perfil molecular y conexiones de neuronas amigdalinas de distinto origen embrionario: hacia un nuevo paradigma para comprender los trastornos psiquiátricos
  • Desarrollo y evolución de la amígdala y áreas relacionadas del prosencéfalo, en base a análisis genético y mapa de destino (DEVOAMI)