Directori de persones
Ferran Barbé Illa

Ferran Barbé Illa

Grau: Doctor/a

973 705 372



  • Quan, Weiwei; Zheng, Danni; Douglas McEvoy, R.; Barbe, Ferran; Chen, Riu; Liu, Zhihong; Loffler, Kelly; Lorenzi-Filho, Geraldo; Luo, Yuanming; Mukherjee, Sutapa; Tripathi, Manjari; Woodman, Richard; Li, Qiang; Wang, Xia; Arima, Hisatomi; Xiao, Yi; Zhang, Xilong; Anderson, Craig S.

    High Risk Characteristics for Recurrent Cardiovascular Events among Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in the SAVE Study

    Eclinicalmedicine 2-3 59-65. .


  • Montserrat-Capdevila, J; Godoy, P; Marsal, JR; Ortega, M; Pifarre, J; Alseda, M; Castan, MT; Barbe, F

    Mental disorders in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases



  • Casas-Méndez F; Sánchez-de-la-Torre A; Valls J; Sánchez-de-la-Torre M; Abad J; Duran-Cantolla J; Cabriada V; Masa JF; Teran J; Castella G; Worner F; Barbé F

    Lung function impairment is not associated with the severity of acute coronary syndrome but is associated with a shorter stay in the coronary care unit

    Journal of Thoracic Disease 10 4220-4229. .


  • Sapiña E; Torres, G; Barbe, F; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M

    The Use of Precision Medicine to Manage Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment in Patients with Resistant Hypertension: Current Evidence and Future Directions

    Current Hypertension Reports 20 60-60. .


  • de Batlle, J; Bertran, S; Turino, C; Escarrabill, J; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Woehrle, H; Barbe, F

    Mortality in Patients Treated with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure at the Population Level



  • Suarez-Giron, MC; Castro-Grattoni, A; Torres, M; Farre, R; Barbe, F; Sanchez-De-La-Torre, M; Gozal, D; Picado, C; Montserrat, JM; Almendros, I

    Acetylsalicylic Acid Prevents Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Vascular Remodeling in a Murine Model of Sleep Apnea

    Frontiers in physiology 9 600-600. .


  • Mediano, O; Masdeu, MJ; McEvoy, D; Barbede, F

    Sleep apneas and cardiovascular risk after Sleep Apnea Cardiovascular Endpoints Study (SAVE). What next?



  • Torres, Gerard; Turino, Cecilia; Sapiña, Esther; Sánchez-de-la-Torre, Manuel; Barbé, Ferran

    Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Morbidity—a Perspective

    Current Sleep Medicine Reports 4 79-87. .


  • Santamaria-Martos, F; Benitez, I; Giron, C; Barbe, F; Martinez-Garcia, MA; Hernandez, L; Montserrat, JM; Nagore, E; Martorell, A; Campos-Rodriguez, F; Corral, J; Cabriada, V; Abad, J; Mediano, O; Troncoso, MF; Cano-Pumarega, I; Gutierrez, AMF; Diaz-Cambriles, T; Somoza-Gonzalez, M; Almendros, I; Farre, R; Gozal, D; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Spanish Sleep Network

    Biomarkers of carcinogenesis and tumour growth in patients with cutaneous melanoma and obstructive sleep apnoea



  • Nadal, N; de Batlle, J; Barbe, F; Marsal, JR; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, A; Tarraubella, N; Lavega, M; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M

    Predictors of CPAP compliance in different clinical settings: primary care versus sleep unit

    SLEEP AND BREATHING 22 157-163. .


  • Sánchez-de-la-Torre A; Soler X; Barbé F; Florés M; Maisel A; Malhotra A; Rue M; Bertran S; Aldomá A; Worner F; Valls J; Lee CH; Turino C; Galera E; de Batlle J; Sánchez-de-la-Torre M; Spanish Sleep Group(*)

    Cardiac Troponin Values in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome and Sleep Apnea A Pilot Study

    Chest 153 329-338. .


  • Flores, M; Martinez-Alonso, M; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, A; Aldoma, A; Galera, E; Barbe, F; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Dalmases, M

    Predictors of long-term adherence to continuous positive airway pressure in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea and acute coronary syndrome

    Journal of Thoracic Disease 10 124-134. .



  • Contratos predoctorales de formación en investigación en salud (PFIS)
  • Análisis de Endotipos Pulmonares en Pacientes Post-COVID: Un Es-tudio Integral
  • Incorporació de personal de suport als grups de recerca
  • Normotensive Patients with Sleep Apnea: Differential Impact of CPAP Treatment According to the Circadian Blood Pressure Pattern. A Randomized Controlled Trial. The MOISES study.
  • Impacto del Manejo de los Trastornos Respiratorios Durante el Sueño en el control de la hipertensión sistémica: Proyecto METASLEEP
  • Pacientes Normotensos con Apnea del Sueño: Impacto Diferencial del Tratamiento con CPAP según el Patrón Circadiano de Presión Arterial. Ensayo Clínico Aleatorizado. Estudio MOISÉS
  • Big Data para la predicción del riesgo de complicaciones durante y después del ingreso en pacientes crónicos con monitorización intensiva en las primeras 24h de ingreso.
  • INVESTIGO 2022: Investigació translacional en medicina respiratòria
  • A systems biology approach to understand COVID-19 physiopathology and predictits outcome (SYSTEMS-BIO COVID) (2021-046-1)
  • Programa d'Impuls al Talent i l'Ocupabilitat (2021-2024)
  • Clinical Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Patients with Resistant Hypertension: SARAH Study
  • Estudio comparativo de la determinación de PD-L1 en muestras obtenidas mediante punción aspirativa guiada por ecobroncoscopia en cáncer de pulmón de célula no pequeña mediante inmunohistoquímica, hibridación in situ de RNA y microRNAs.