Ferran Barbé Illa
Grau: Doctor/a
973 705 372
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-5988-2010
Colomina J; Drudis R; Torra M; Pallisó F; Massip M; Vargiu E; Nadal N; Fuentes A; Ortega Bravo M; Miralles F; Barbé F; Torres G; de Batlle J; CONNECARE-Lleida Group
Implementing mHealth-Enabled Integrated Care for Complex Chronic Patients With Osteoarthritis Undergoing Primary Hip or Knee Arthroplasty: Prospective, Two-Arm, Parallel Trial.
Journal Of Medical Internet Research 23 -. .
Hidalgo Armas L; Ingles S; Vaca R; Cordero-Guevara J; Duran Carro J; Ullate J; Barbé F; Durán-Cantolla J; Spanish Sleep Network
New forehead device in positional obstructive sleep apnoea: a randomised clinical trial.
Thorax 76 930-938. .
Pinilla L; Santamaria-Martos F; Benítez ID; Zapater A; Targa A; Mediano O; Masa JF; Masdeu MJ; Minguez O; Aguilà M; Barbé F; Sánchez-de-la-Torre M
Association of Obstructive Sleep Apnea with the Aging Process.
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 18 1540-1547. .
Zuil, M; Barbe, F; Dalmases, M
OSA and CPAP in Older Patients-When to Treat?
Current Sleep Medicine Reports 7 97-104. .
Lopez-Cano, C; Ciudin, A; Sanchez, E; Tinahones, F; Soto, A; Pellitero, S; Barbe, F; Dalmases, M; Garcia-Ramirez, M; Gaeta, A; Marti, R; Hernandez, C; Simo, R; Lecube, A
Positive impact of liraglutide on pulmonary function in patients with type 2 diabetes: data from the randomised cross-over LIRALUNG study
Diabetologia 64 99-100. .
Dakterzada F; David Benítez I; Targa A; Lladó A; Torres G; Romero L; de Gonzalo-Calvo D; Moncusí-Moix A; Tort-Merino A; Huerto R; Sánchez-de-la-Torre M; Barbé F; Piñol-Ripoll G
Reduced Levels of miR-342-5p in Plasma Are Associated With Worse Cognitive Evolution in Patients With Mild Alzheimer's Disease.
Dávalos A; Pinilla L; de Las Hazas ML; Pinto-Hernández P; Barbé F; Iglesias-Gutiérrez E; de Gonzalo-Calvo D
Dietary microRNAs and cancer: a new therapeutic approach?
de Batlle J; Bertran S; Turino C; Escarrabill J; Dalmases M; García-Altés A; Sapiña-Beltrán E; Martinez Carbonell E; Sánchez-de-la-Torre M; Barbé F
Longitudinal Analysis of Causes of Mortality in CPAP-treated Patients at the Population Level.
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 18 1390-1396. .
Labarca, G; Schmidt, A; Dreyse, J; Jorquera, J; Enos, D; Torres, G; Barbe, F
Efficacy of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and resistant hypertension (RH): Systematic review and meta-analysis
González J; Moncusí-Moix A; Benitez ID; Santisteve S; Monge A; Fontiveros MA; Carmona P; Torres G; Barbé F; de Batlle J
Clinical consequences of COVID-19 lockdown in patients with COPD: results of a pre-post study in Spain.
Chest 160 135-138. .
González J; Benítez ID; Carmona P; Santisteve S; Monge A; Moncusí-Moix A; Gort-Paniello C; Pinilla L; Carratalá A; Zuil M; Ferrer R; Ceccato A; Fernández L; Motos A; Riera J; Menéndez R; Garcia-Gasulla D; Peñuelas O; Bermejo-Martin JF; Labarca G; Caballero J; Torres G; de Gonzalo-Calvo D; Torres A; Barbé F; CIBERESUCICOVID Project (COV20/00110, ISCIII)
Chest 160 187-198. .
Castro-Grattoni AL; Suarez-Giron M; Benitez I; Tecchia L; Torres M; Almendros I; Farre R; Targa A; Montserrat JM; Dalmases M; Barbé F; Gozal D; Sánchez-de-la-Torre M
The effect of chronic intermittent hypoxia in cardiovascular gene expression is modulated by age in a mice model of sleep apnea.
Sleep 44 1-8. .
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