Recerca > Epidemiologia, Malalties infeccioses i Salut pública

Grup de Recerca en Educació per a la Salut, Infermeria, Sostenibilitat i Innovació (GREISI)

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  • Botigue, T; Masot, O; Miranda, J; Nuin, C; Viladrosa, M; Lavedan, A; Zwakhalen, S

    Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated With Low Fluid Intake in Institutionalized Older Residents

    Journal Of The American Medical Directors Association 20 317-322. .


  • Masot, O; Iglesias Millán A; Nuin, C; Miranda, J; Lavedan, A; Botigue, T

    How to improve hydration and fluid intake in institutionalized older people? A scientific literature review

    NUTRICION HOSPITALARIA 35 1441-1449. .


  • Viladrosa, Maria; Lavedan, Ana; Escobar, Miguel Angel; Jurschik, Pilar

    Problemas del equilibrio y de la marcha relacionados con la fragilidad en mujeres adultas mayores físicamente activas.

    Revista espanola de geriatria y gerontologia 53 233-234. .


  • Masot, O; Lavedan, A; Nuin, C; Escobar-Bravo, MA; Miranda, J; Botigue, T

    Risk factors associated with dehydration in older people living in nursing homes: Scoping review (vol 82, pg 90, 2018)



  • Masot, O; Lavedan, A; Nuin, C; Escobar-Bravo, MA; Miranda, J; Botigue, T

    Risk factors associated with dehydration in homes: Scoping review



  • Lavedan, A; Viladrosa, M; Jurschik, P; Botigue, T; Nuin, C; Masot, O; Lavedan, R

    Fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults: A cause of falls, a consequence, or both?

    PLOS ONE 13 -. .


  • Viladrosa, M; Lavedan, A; Jurschik, P; Mas-Alos, S; Planas-Anzano, A; Masot, O

    Differences in fitness level between women aged 60 and over participating in three different supervised exercise programs and a sedentary group

    Journal Of Women & Aging 30 326-343. .


  • Coelho, Adriana; Parola, Vitor; Cardoso, Daniela; Bravo, Miguel Escobar; Apostolo, Joao

    Use of non-pharmacological interventions for comforting patients in palliative care: a scoping review.

    Jbi Database Of Systematic Reviews And Implementation Reports 15 1867-1904. .


  • Blanco-Blanco, J; Gea-Sanchez, M; Valenzuela-Pascual, F; Barallat-Gimeno, E; Espart, A; Escobar-Bravo, MA

    Are the classic signs of infection in concordance with results from percutaneous aspiration to diagnose infection in pressure injuries?

    Journal Of Advanced Nursing 73 1433-1442. .


  • Molés Julio, Pilar; Lavedán Santamaría, Ana; Maciá Soler, Loreto

    Prevalencia y factores del miedo a caer asociados en adultos mayores de Castellón de la Plana

    Gerokomos 28 178-183. .

  • Coelho, A; Parola, V; Escobar-Bravo, M; Apostolo, J

    Comfort experience in palliative care: a phenomenological study

    BMC PALLIATIVE CARE 15 71-71. .


  • Coelho, Adriana; Parola, Vitor; Cardoso, Daniela; Escobar, Miguel; Apostolo, Joao

    The use of non-pharmacological interventions for the comfort of patients in palliative care: a scoping review protocol.

    Jbi Database Of Systematic Reviews And Implementation Reports 14 64-77. .
