Investigació translacional en medicina respiratòria
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Torres-Bondia, F; de Batlle, J; Galvan, L; Buti, M; Barbe, F; Piñol-Ripoll G
Trends in the consumption rates of benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-related drugs in the health region of Lleida from 2002 to 2015.
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 20 818-818. .
Sanchez, E; Mizab, C; Sauret, A; Barbe, F; Marti, R; Lopez-Cano, C; Hernandez, M; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Carmona, P; Gonzalez, J; Dalmases, M; Hernandez, C; Simo, R; Lecube, A
Effect of Subcutaneous Insulin on Spirometric Maneuvers in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes: A Case-Control Study.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 -. .
Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Lopez-Cano, C; Sanchez, E; Barbe, F; Dalmases, M; Hernandez, M; Campos, A; Gaeta, AM; Carmona, P; Hernandez, C; Simo, R; Lecube, A
Effect of Glucose Improvement on Nocturnal Sleep Breathing Parameters in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: The Candy Dreams Study.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 -. .
Gaeta, AM; Benítez ID; Jorge, C; Torres, G; Dakterzada, F; Minguez, O; Huerto, R; Pujol, M; Carnes, A; Dalmases, M; Gibert, A; Farr?, R; de la Torres, MS; Barb?, F; Pi?ol-Ripoll, G
Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea in Alzheimer's disease patients
JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 267 1012-1022. .
Donovan, LM; Shah, A; Chai-Coetzer CL; Barbe, F; Ayas, NT; Kapur, VK
Redesigning Care for OSA.
Chest 157 966-976. .
Sanchez, Enric; Betriu À; Salas-Salvado, Jordi; Pamplona, Reinald; Barbe, Ferran; Purroy, Francesc; Farràs C; Fernandez, Elvira; Lopez-Cano, Carolina; Mizab, Chadia; Lecube, Albert
Mediterranean diet, physical activity and subcutaneous advanced glycation end-products' accumulation: a cross-sectional analysis in the ILERVAS project
European journal of nutrition 59 1233-1242. .
Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, A; Bertran, S; Abad, J; Duran-Cantolla, J; Cabriada, V; Mediano, O; Masdeu, MJ; Alonso, ML; Masa, JF; Barcelo, A; de la Peña M; Mayos, M; Coloma, R; Montserrat, JM; Chiner, E; Perello, S; Rubinos, G; Minguez, O; Pascual, L; Cortijo, A; Martinez, D; Aldoma, A; Dalmases, M; McEvoy, RD; Barbe, F; Spanish Steep Network
Effect of obstructive sleep apnoea and its treatment with continuous positive airway pressure on the prevalence of cardiovascular events in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ISAACC study): a randomised controlled trial.
Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, A; Barbe, F
Obstructive sleep apnoea in acute coronary syndrome - Authors' reply.
Masa, JF; Mokhlesi, B; Benitez, I; Mogollon, MV; Gomez de Terreros FJ; Sanchez-Quiroga, MA; Romero, A; Caballero-Eraso, C; Alonso-Alvarez, ML; Ordax-Carbajo, E; Gomez-Garcia, T; Gonzalez, M; Lopez-Martin, S; Marin, JM; Marti, S; Diaz-Cambriles, T; Chiner, E; Egea, C; Barca, J; Vazquez-Polo, FJ; Negrin, MA; Martel-Escobar, M; Barbe, F; Corral, J; Spanish Sleep Network
Echocardiographic Changes with Positive Airway Pressure Therapy in Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome: Long-term Pickwick Randomized Controlled Trial.
Benitez, I; Roure, N; Pinilla, L; Sapiña-Beltran E; Buysse, DJ; Barbe, F; de Batlle, J
Validation of the Satisfaction Alertness Timing Efficiency and Duration (SATED) Questionnaire for Sleep Health Measurement.
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 17 338-343. .
Bouza, E; Alvar, A; Almagro, P; Alonso, T; Ancochea, J; Barbe, F; Corbella, J; Gracia, D; Mascaros, E; Melis, J; Miravitlles, M; Pastor, M; Perez, P; Rudilla, D; Torres, A; Soriano, JB; Vallano, A; Vargas, F; Palomo, E
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Spain and the different aspects of its social impact: a multidisciplinary opinion document.
Sánchez E; Sánchez M; Betriu À; Rius F; Torres G; Purroy F; Pamplona R; Ortega M; López-Cano C; Hernández M; Bueno M; Fernández E; Salvador J; Lecube A
Are Obesity Indices Useful for Detecting Subclinical Atheromatosis in a Middle-Aged Population?
Obesity Facts 13 1-11. .