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Grup de Medicina de Precisió en Malalties Cròniques

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  • Sanchez-De-La-Torre, M; Barbe, F

    Personalized medicine in sleep apnea: Towards a new paradigm of comprehensive disease management

    MEDICINA CLINICA 147 444-446. .


  • Barcelo, A; Esquinas, C; Robles, J; Pierola, J; De la Peña M; Aguilar, I; Morell-Garcia, D; Alonso, A; Toledo, N; Sanchez-de la Torre, M; Barbe, F

    Gut epithelial barrier markers in patients with obstructive sleep apnea

    SLEEP MEDICINE 26 12-15. .


  • Torres, G; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Barbe, F

    Precision medicine: A modern odyssey



  • Sanchez-de-la-Torre, A; Abad, J; Duran-Cantolla, J; Mediano, O; Cabriada, V; Masdeu, MJ; Teran, J; Masa, JF; de la Peña M; Aldoma, A; Worner, F; Valls, J; Barbe, F; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Spanish Sleep Group

    Effect of Patient Sex on the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Newly Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Admitted by an Acute Coronary Syndrome

    PLOS ONE 11 -. .


  • Betriu À; Farràs C; Abajo, M; Martinez-Alonso, M; Arroyo, D; Barbe, F; Buti, M; Lecube, A; Portero, M; Purroy, F; Torres, G; Valdivielso, JM; Fernandez, E

    Randomised intervention study to assess the prevalence of subclinical vascular disease and hidden kidney disease and its impact on morbidity and mortality: The ILERVAS project

    Nefrologia 36 389-396. .


  • Castro-Grattoni, AL; Alvarez-Buve, R; Torres, M; Farre, R; Montserrat, JM; Dalmases, M; Almendros, I; Barbe, F; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M

    Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Cardiovascular Remodeling Is Reversed by Normoxia in a Mouse Model of Sleep Apnea

    Chest 149 1400-1408. .


  • Chiner, E; Llombart, M; Valls, J; Pastor, E; Sancho-Chust, JN; Andreu, AL; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Barbe, F

    Association between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Community-Acquired Pneumonia

    PLOS ONE 11 -. .


  • Barcelo A; Bauça JM; Yañez A; Fueyo L; Gomez C; de la Peña M; Pierola J; Rodriguez A; Sanchez-de-la-Torre M; Abad J; Mediano O; Amilibia J; Masdeu MJ; Teran J; Montserrat JM; Mayos M; Sanchez-de-la-Torre A; Barbé F

    Impact of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on the Levels of Placental Growth Factor (PlGF) and Their Value for Predicting Short-Term Adverse Outcomes in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

    PLOS ONE 11 -. .


  • Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M; Barbe, F

    REPLY: Precision Medicine, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Refractory Hypertension

    Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 67 602-602. .


  • Campos-Rodriguez F; Martinez-Alonso M; Sanchez-de-la-Torre M; Barbe F

    Long-term adherence to continuous positive airway pressure therapy in non-sleepy sleep apnea patients

    SLEEP MEDICINE 17 1-6. .


  • Sanchez-de-la-Torre, A.; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, M.; Valls, J.; Flores, M.; Maisel, A.; Malhotra, A.; Barbe, F.; Soler, X.

    Time Course Of Cardiac Troponin In Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome And Sleep Apnea


  • Sanchez De La Torre, M.; Valls, J.; Castella, G.; Boix, R.; Colls, C.; Garcia-Altes, A.; Teixido, I.; Mateo, J.; Solsona, F.; Escarrabill, J.; Barbe, F.

    Mortality Patterns In A Large Series Of Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea On Treatment With Continuous Positive Airway Pressure