Recerca > Nutrició, Metabolisme i Estrès Cel·lular

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  • Pons-Rodríguez A; Martínez-Alonso M; Perestelo-Pérez L; Garcia M; Sala M; Rué M

    Elección informada en el cribado del cáncer de mama: el papel del nivel educativo.

    GACETA SANITARIA 35 243-249. .


  • Pons-Rodriguez A; Forné Izquierdo C; Vilaplana-Mayoral J; Cruz-Esteve I; Sánchez-López I; Reñé-Reñé M; Cazorla C; Hernández-Andreu M; Galindo-Ortego G; Llorens Gabandé M; Laza-Vásquez C; Balaguer-Llaquet P; Martínez-Alonso M; Rué M

    Feasibility and acceptability of personalised breast cancer screening (DECIDO study): protocol of a single-arm proof-of-concept trial.

    Bmj Open 10 -. .


  • Sarlabous L; Aquino-Esperanza J; Magrans R; de Haro C; López-Aguilar J; Subirà C; Batlle M; Rué M; Gomà G; Ochagavia A; Fernández R; Blanch L

    Publisher Correction: Development and validation of a sample entropy-based method to identify complex patient-ventilator interactions during mechanical ventilation.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 19774-19774. .


  • Sarlabous L; Aquino-Esperanza J; Magrans R; de Haro C; López-Aguilar J; Subirà C; Batlle M; Rué M; Gomà G; Ochagavia A; Fernández R; Blanch L

    Development and validation of a sample entropy-based method to identify complex patient-ventilator interactions during mechanical ventilation.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 13911-13911. .


  • Stjepanovic, N; Villacampa, G; Nead, KT; Torres-Esquius, S; Melis, GG; Nathanson, KL; Teule, A; Brunet, J; Y Cajal TR; Llort, G; Dienstmann, R; Rue, M; Domchek, SM; Balmaña J

    Association of premenopausal risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy with breast cancer risk in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers: Maximising bias-reduction.



  • Bartolome, J; Alves, R; Solsona, F; Teixido, I

    EasyModel: user-friendly tool for building and analysis of simple mathematical models in systems biology.

    Bioinformatics 36 976-977. .


  • Mendivil, J; Appierto, M; Aceituno, S; Comas, M; Rue, M

    Economic evaluations of screening strategies for the early detection of colorectal cancer in the average-risk population: A systematic literature review

    PLOS ONE 14 -. .


  • Sanchez, E; Lecube, A; Betriu À; Hernandez, C; Lopez-Cano, C; Gutierrez-Carrasquilla, L; Kerkeni, M; Yeramian, A; Purroy, F; Pamplona, R; Farràs C; Fernandez, E; Barbe, F; Simo, R; ILERVAS project; Hernández M; Rius F; Polanco D; de la Torre MS; Torres G; Godoy P; Portero-Otin M; Jové M; Colàs-Compàs L; Benabdelhak I; Miquel E; Ortega M; Valdivielso JM; Bermúdez M; Martínez-Alonso M

    Subcutaneous advanced glycation end-products and lung function according to glucose abnormalities: The MR-1 ILERVAS Project

    Diabetes & metabolism 45 595-598. .


  • Cardenas, PD; Sonawane, PD; Heinig, U; Jozwiak, A; Panda, S; Abebie, B; Kazachkova, Y; Pliner, M; Unger, T; Wolf, D; Ofner, I; Vilaprinyo, E; Meir, S; Davydov, O; Gal-On, A; Burdman, S; Giri, A; Zamir, D; Scherf, T; Szymanski, J; Rogachev, I; Aharoni, A

    Pathways to defense metabolites and evading fruit bitterness in genus Solanum evolved through 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases

    Nature Communications 10 5169-5169. .


  • Gonzalez-Marron, A; Real, J; Forne, C; Roso-Llorach, A; Navarrete-Munoz, EM; Martinez-Sanchez, JM

    Confidence interval reporting for measures of association in multivariable regression models in observational studies

    MEDICINA CLINICA 153 239-242. .


  • Flamholz, AI; Prywes, N; Moran, U; David, D; Bar-On, YM; Oltrogge, LM; Alves, R; Savage, D; Milo, R

    Revisiting Trade-offs between Rubisco Kinetic Parameters

    BIOCHEMISTRY 58 3365-3376. .


  • Planella Cornudella M; Pociello Almiñana N; Domingo Ruiz A; Bringue Espuny X; Rue Monne M; Sole Mir E

    Utilidad del Pediatric Appendicitis Score y la ecografa abdominal en el proceso diagnstico de apendicitis aguda.

    Cirugía Pediátrica : Organo Oficial De La Sociedad Española De Cirugía Pediátrica 32 128-134. .