Recerca > Epidemiologia, Malalties infeccioses i Salut pública

Epidemiologia aplicada

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  • de Batlle J; Massip M; Vargiu E; Nadal N; Fuentes A; Bravo, MO; Miralles F; Barbé F; Torres G

    Implementing Mobile Health?Enabled Integrated Care for Complex Chronic Patients: Intervention Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness Study

    JMIR mHealth and uHealth 9 -. .


  • Godoy, P

    Guidelines on controlling latent tuberculosis infection to support tuberculosis elimination.

    Revista Espanola De Sanidad Penitenciaria 23 28-36. .


  • Torres-Bondia F; Dakterzada F; Galván L; Buti M; Besanson G; Gill E; Buil R; de Batlle J; Piñol-Ripoll G

    Proton pump inhibitors and the risk of Alzheimer's disease and non-Alzheimer's dementias.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10 21046-21046. .


  • de Batlle, J; Massip, M; Vargiu, E; Nadal, N; Fuentes, A; Ortega Bravo M; Colomina, J; Drudis, R; Torra, M; Palliso, F; Miralles, F; Barbe, F; Torres, G

    Implementing Mobile Health-Enabled Integrated Care for Complex Chronic Patients: Patients and Professionals' Acceptability Study.

    JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8 -. .


  • Rodrigo-Claverol M; Malla-Clua B; Marquilles-Bonet C; Sol J; Jové-Naval J; Sole-Pujol M; Ortega-Bravo M

    Animal-Assisted Therapy Improves Communication and Mobility among Institutionalized People with Cognitive Impairment.



  • Castañ-Abad MT; Montserrat-Capdevila J; Godoy P; Marsal JR; Ortega M; Alsedà M; Barbé F

    Diabetes as a risk factor for severe exacerbation and death in patients with COPD: a prospective cohort study.



  • Tuells, J; Godoy, P; Castilla, J; Astray, J; Barrabeig, I; Domínguez À

    Sobre falsas creencias y tiomersal en las vacunas. Réplica de los autores.

    ATENCION PRIMARIA 52 439-440. .


  • Torres-Bondia, F; de Batlle, J; Galvan, L; Buti, M; Barbe, F; Piñol-Ripoll G

    Trends in the consumption rates of benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine-related drugs in the health region of Lleida from 2002 to 2015.

    BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 20 818-818. .


  • Garcia-Serrano, C; Mirada, G; Marsal, JR; Ortega, M; Sol, J; Solano, R; Artigues, EM; Estany, P

    Compliance with the guidelines on recommended immunization schedule in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: implications on public health policies.

    BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 20 713-713. .


  • Soldevila N.; Jane M.; Domínguez A.; Alsedà M.; Álvarez J.; Arias C.; BalanãF P.J.; Barrabeig I.; Camps N.; Carol M.; Ferràs J.; Ferrús G.; Follia N.; Godoy P.; Bach P.; Jané M.; Martínez A.; Minguell S.; Parrón I.; Plasència E.; Sala-Farré M.R.; Torner N.; Torra R.; Torres J.; Caylà J.A.; Gorrindo P.; Rius C.; Marcos M.A.; Mosquera M.D.M.; Vilella A.; Antón A.; Pumarola T.; Campins M.; Garciá D.; Espejo E.; Freixas N.; Riera Garcia M.; Maraver E.; Mas D.; Perez R.; Rebull J.; Pou J.; Garciá-Pardo G.; Olona M.; Barcenilla F.; Castellana D.; Navarro-Rubio G.; Force L.L.

    Hospital-acquired influenza infections detected by a surveillance system over six seasons, from 2010/2011 to 2015/2016



  • Sánchez E; Sánchez M; Betriu À; Rius F; Torres G; Purroy F; Pamplona R; Ortega M; López-Cano C; Hernández M; Bueno M; Fernández E; Salvador J; Lecube A

    Are Obesity Indices Useful for Detecting Subclinical Atheromatosis in a Middle-Aged Population?

    Obesity Facts 13 1-11. .


  • Domínguez À; Soldevila, N; Torner, N; Martinez, A; Godoy, P; Rius, C; Jane, M; The Pidirac Sentinel Surveillance Program Of Catalonia

    Usefulness of Clinical Definitions of Influenza for Public Health Surveillance Purposes.

    Viruses-Basel 12 -. .
