Diego Arango Del Corro
Degree: PhD
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/M-5667-2016
Montanuy, H; Martinez-Barriocanal, A; Antonio Casado J; Rovirosa, L; Ramirez, MJ; Nieto, R; Carrascoso-Rubio, C; Riera, P; Gonzalez, A; Lerma, E; Lasa, A; Carreras-Puigvert, J; Helleday, T; Bueren, JA; Arango, D; Minguillon, J; Surralles, J
Gefitinib and Afatinib Show Potential Efficacy for Fanconi Anemia-Related Head and Neck Cancer.
Montero S; Seras-Franzoso J; Andrade F; Martinez-Trucharte F; Vilar-Hernández M; Quesada M; Xandri H; Arango D; Abasolo I; Rafael D; Schwartz S
Intracellular Delivery of Anti-SMC2 Antibodies against Cancer Stem Cells.
Pharmaceutics 12 -. .
Gener P; Montero S; Xandri-Monje H; Díaz-Riascos ZV; Rafael D; Andrade F; Martínez-Trucharte F; González P; Seras-Franzoso J; Manzano A; Arango D; Sayós J; Abasolo I; Schwartz S
Zileuton™ loaded in polymer micelles effectively reduce breast cancer circulating tumor cells and intratumoral cancer stem cells.
Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 24 102106-102106. .
Martinez-Barriocanal, A; Arango, D; Dopeso, H
PVT1 Long Non-coding RNA in Gastrointestinal Cancer.
Frontiers in oncology 10 38-38. .
Forteza R; Ahsan MK; Cartón-García F; Arango D; Ameen NA; Salas PJ
Glucocorticoids and myosin5b loss of function induce heightened PKA signaling in addition to membrane traffic defects.
Leng C; Overeem AW; Cartón-Garcia F; Li Q; Klappe K; Kuipers J; Cui Y; Zuhorn IS; Arango D; van IJzendoorn SCD
Loss of MYO5B expression deregulates late endosome size which hinders mitotic spindle orientation.
Plos Biology 17 -. .
Ruiz de Porras V; Bystrup S; Cabrero-de Las Heras S; Musulén E; Palomero L; Alonso MH; Nieto R; Arango D; Moreno V; Queralt C; Manzano JL; Layos L; Bugés C; Martinez-Balibrea E
Tumor Expression of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 (Cdk5) Is a Prognostic Biomarker and Predicts Outcome of Oxaliplatin-Treated Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients.
Cancers 11 -. .
Matos AI; Carreira B; Peres C; Moura LIF; Conniot J; Fourniols T; Scomparin A; Martínez-Barriocanal Á; Arango D; Conde JP; Préat V; Satchi-Fainaro R; Florindo HF
Nanotechnology is an important strategy for combinational innovative chemo-immunotherapies against colorectal cancer.
Gener P; Rafael D; Seras-Franzoso J; Perez A; Pindado LA; Casas G; Arango D; Fernández Y; Díaz-Riascos ZV; Abasolo I; Schwartz S
Pivotal Role of AKT2 during Dynamic Phenotypic Change of Breast Cancer Stem Cells.
Cancers 11 -. .
Rafael D; Gener P; Andrade F; Seras-Franzoso J; Montero S; Fernández Y; Hidalgo M; Arango D; Sayós J; Florindo HF; Abasolo I; Schwartz S; Videira M
AKT2 siRNA delivery with amphiphilic-based polymeric micelles show efficacy against cancer stem cells.
DRUG DELIVERY 25 961-972. .
Gener P; Seras-Franzoso J; Callejo PG; Andrade F; Rafael D; Martínez F; Montero S; Arango D; Sayós J; Abasolo I; Schwartz S
Dynamism, Sensitivity, and Consequences of Mesenchymal and Stem-Like Phenotype of Cancer Cells.
Stem Cells International 2018 4516454-4516454. .
Serrano-Candelas E; Ainsua-Enrich E; Navinés-Ferrer A; Rodrigues P; García-Valverde A; Bazzocco S; Macaya I; Arribas J; Serrano C; Sayós J; Arango D; Martin M
Silencing of adaptor protein SH3BP2 reduces KIT/PDGFRA receptors expression and impairs gastrointestinal stromal tumors growth.
MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY 12 1383-1397. .
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- Nueva aproximación terapéutica para el cáncer colorectal.
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- Targeting tumor microevironment by a translational multivalent nanomedicine: towards an effective anticancer combination immunotherapy