Martorell-Calatayud, A; Santos-Alarcón, S; Sahuquillo-Torralba, A; Rivera-Díaz, R; Belinchón-Romero, I; Ruiz-Genao, D; Romero-Maté, A; Ruiz-Villaverde, R; Ferran-Farrés, M; Gallardo-Hernández, F; Almenara-Blasco, M; Suarez-Perez, JA; Gonzalez-Cantero, A; Martínez-Lorenzo, E; Fernández-Armenteros, JM; del Alcázar-Viladomiu, E; García-Latasa, J; Rocamora-Durant, V; Ara-Martín, M; Mateu-Puchades, A; Llamas-Velasco, M; Vilarrasa, E; Velasco-Pastor, M; de la Cueva, P; Carrascosa, JM; Magdaleno-Tapial, J
Real-world Safety and Efficacy of Risankizumab in Psoriatic Patients: A Multicenter, Retrospective, and Not-interventional Study
Martorell-Calatayud A; Santos-Alarcón S; Sahuquillo-Torralba A; Rivera-Díaz R; Belinchón-Romero I; Ruiz-Genao D; Romero-Maté A; Ruiz-Villaverde R; Ferran-Farrés M; Gallardo-Hernández F; Almenara-Blasco M; Suarez-Perez JA; González-Cantero Á; Martínez-Lorenzo E; Fernández-Armenteros JM; Del Alcázar-Viladomiu E; García-Latasa J; Rocamora-Durant V; Ara-Martín M; Mateu-Puchades A; Llamas-Velasco M; Vilarrasa E; Velasco-Pastor M; De la Cueva P; Carrascosa JM; Magdaleno-Tapial J
Real-world Safety and Efficacy of Risankizumab in Psoriatic Patients: A Multicenter, Retrospective, and Not-interventional Study.
Magdaleno-Tapial, J; Ortiz-Salvador, JM; Sánchez-Carazo, JL; Hernández-Bel, P; Pérez-Ferriols, A; Santos-Alarcón, S; Sahuquillo-Torralba, A; Pujol-Marco, C; Rivera-Díaz, R; Belinchón-Romero, I; Ruiz-Geneao, D; Romero-Maté, A; Ruiz-Villaverde, R; Ferrán-Farrés, M; Gallardo-Hernández, F; Almenara-Blasco, M; Alonso-Suárez, J; González-Cantero, A; Martínez-Lorenzo, E; Fernández-Armenteros, JM; de Alcázar-Viladomiu, E; Garcia-Latasa, J; Rocamora-Durant, V; Ara-Martín, M; Mateu-Puchades, A; Llamas-Velasco, M; Vilarrasa-Rull, E; Velasco-Pastor, M; de la Cueva-dobao, P; Carrascosa-Carrillo, JM; Martorell-Calatayud, A
Efficacy of Risankizumab in Patients with Suboptimal Response or Failure to Ustekinumab: A Multicenter Retrospective Study in Spain
Dermatologic Therapy 2024 -. .
Rocamora, V; Crespi, L; Ferran, M; Llamas-Velasco, M; del Alcazar, E; Carrascosa, JM; Beltran, E; Urruticoechea-Arana, A; Estebaranz, JLL; Vidal, D; Riera, J; Rodriguez, L; Armesto, S; Fernandez, JM; Aparicio, G; Perez, S; Porcar, S; Montesinos, E; Gallardo, F
Guselkumab effectiveness and survival in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: Multicenter analysis in daily clinical practice by the Spanish Psoriasis Group
Dermatologic Therapy 35 -. .
Torres, OY; Fernandez, J; Justribo, E; Gonzalez, E; Vena, A
Impact of the SARS-COV-2 Pandemic Lockdown on Sexually Transmitted Urethritis in a Spanish Health Region
Matas-Nadal, C; Sagrista, M; Gomez-Arbones, X; Sobrino Bermejo C; Fernandez-Armenteros, JM; Àngel Baldó J; Casanova Seuma JM; Aguayo Ortiz R
Risk factors for early-onset basal cell carcinomas and the trend towards their female predominance.
Journal Der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft 19 364-371. .
Matas-Nadal C; Sagristà M; Gómez-Arbonés X; Sobrino Bermejo C; Fernández-Armenteros JM; Àngel Baldó J; Casanova Seuma JM; Aguayo Ortiz R
Risikofaktoren für Basalzellkarzinome in jungem Alter und Trend zur Prädominanz bei Frauen.
Journal Der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft 19 364-372. .
Yuguero O; Fernández-Armenteros JM; Vilela Á; Aramburu J; Laín R; Godoy P
Preliminary Results of a Screening Programme for Chlamydia in an Asymptomatic Young Population in Spain.
Frontiers in Public Health 9 615110-615110. .
de Jesus-Gil, C; Sans-de San Nicolas, LS; Ruiz-Romeu, E; Ferran, M; Soria-Martinez, L; Garcia-Jimenez, I; Chiriac, A; Casanova-Seuma, JM; Fernandez-Armenteros, JM; Owens, S; Celada, A; Howell, MD; Pujol, RM; Santamaria-Babi, LF
Interplay between Humoral and CLA(+) T Cell Response against Candida albicans in Psoriasis
Fernández Armenteros J.M.; Àngel Baldó J.
Psoriasis, inflammation and cardiovascular risk
Piel 36 241-245. .
Matas-Nadal, C; Bech-Serra, JJ; Guasch-Valles, M; Fernandez-Armenteros, JM; Barcelo, C; Casanova, JM; de la Torre Gómez C; Aguayo Ortiz R; Gari, E
Evaluation of Tumor Interstitial Fluid-Extraction Methods for Proteome Analysis: Comparison of Biopsy Elution versus Centrifugation.
Matas-Nadal, Clara; Fernández-Armenteros, Josep Manel; Vilardell, Felip; Casanova, Josep Manel; Aguayo Ortiz, Rafael S.
Carcinoma ecrino: dos casos de una neoplasia inusual y revisión de la literatura
Piel 35 159-165. .
- CHLAMY-01: Detecció de la infecció per Clhamydia Trachomtis en gent jove en un Servei d'Urgències