Neus Colomina Gabarrella
Degree: PhD
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-4449-2011
Lorite, NP; Apostolova, S; Guasch-Vallés, M; Pryer, A; Unzueta, F; Freire, R; Solé-Soler, R; Pedraza, N; Dolcet, X; Garí, E; Agell, N; Taylor, EM; Colomina, N; Torres-Rosell, J
Crucial role of the NSE1 RING domain in Smc5/6 stability and FANCM-independent fork progression
Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 81 251-251. .
Pedraza N; Monserrat MV; Ferrezuelo F; Torres-Rosell J; Colomina N; Miguez-Cabello F; Párraga JP; Soto D; López-Merino E; García-Vilela C; Esteban JA; Egea J; Garí E
Cyclin D1-Cdk4 regulates neuronal activity through phosphorylation of GABAA receptors.
Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 80 280-280. .
Ibars E; Codina-Fabra J; Bellí G; Casas C; Tarrés M; Solé-Soler R; Lorite NP; Ximénez-Embún P; Muñoz J; Colomina N; Torres-Rosell J
Ubiquitin proteomics identifies RNA polymerase I as a target of the Smc5/6 complex.
Cell Reports 42 112463-112463. .
Cemeli, Tania; Guasch-Valles, Marta; Ribes-Santolaria, Marina; Ibars, Eva; Navaridas, Raul; Dolcet, Xavier; Pedraza, Neus; Colomina, Neus; Torres-Rosell, Jordi; Ferrezuelo, Francisco; Herreros, Judit; Gari, Eloi
Antitumor Effects of Ral-GTPases Downregulation in Glioblastoma.
Belli, G; Colomina, N; Castells-Roca, L; Lorite, NP
Post-Translational Modifications of PCNA: Guiding for the Best DNA Damage Tolerance Choice.
Journal of Fungi 8 -. .
Zapatka, M; Pociño-Merino I; Heluani-Gahete, H; Bermudez-Lopez, M; Tarres, M; Ibars, E; Sole-Soler, R; Gutierrez-Escribano, P; Apostolova, S; Casas, C; Aragon, L; Wellinger, R; Colomina, N; Torres-Rosell, J
Sumoylation of Smc5 Promotes Error-free Bypass at Damaged Replication Forks
Cell Reports 29 3160-31724. .
Varejao, N; Ibars, E; Lascorz, J; Colomina, N; Torres-Rosell, J; Reverter, D
DNA activates the Nse2/Mms21 SUMO E3 ligase in the Smc5/6 complex
Embo Journal 37 -. .
Colomina, N; Guasch, C; Torres-Rosell, J
Analysis of SUMOylation in the RENT Complex by Fusion to a SUMO-Specific Protease Domain
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 1505 97-117. .
Fuste, NP; Fernandez-Hernandez, R; Cemeli, T; Mirantes, C; Pedraza, N; Rafel, M; Torres-Rosell, J; Colomina, N; Ferrezuelo, F; Dolcet, X; Gari, E
Cytoplasmic cyclin D1 regulates cell invasion and metastasis through the phosphorylation of paxillin
Nature Communications 7 11581-11581. .
Amaral, N; Vendrell, A; Funaya, C; Idrissi, FZ; Maier, M; Kumar, A; Neurohr, G; Colomina, N; Torres-Rosell, J; Geli, MI; Mendoza, M
The Aurora-B-dependent NoCut checkpoint prevents damage of anaphase bridges after DNA replication stress
Bermúdez-López M; Pociño-Merino I; Sánchez H; Bueno A; Guasch C; Almedawar S; Bru-Virgili S; Garí E; Wyman C; Reverter D; Colomina N; Torres-Rosell J
ATPase-Dependent Control of the Mms21 SUMO Ligase during DNA Repair
Plos Biology 13 -. .
Almedawar, Seba; Colomina, Neus; Bermudez-Lopez, Marcelino; Pocino-Merino, Irene; Torres-Rosell, Jordi
A SUMO-Dependent Step during Establishment of Sister Chromatid Cohesion
CURRENT BIOLOGY 22 1576-1581. .
- Mecanismos moleculares de transacciones dependientes del complejo Smc5/6 sobre cromosomas eucarióticos
- Mecanismos moleculares implicados en coordinar la replicación y la disyunción de los cromosomas
- Pueden los anillos de cohesina capturar cromátidas no hermanas? Propuesta de un nuevo modelo para el ensamblaje de la cohesión cromosómica
- Mecanismos moleculares de activación de la sumo-ligasa NSE2 y de establecimiento de cohesión dependiente de Sumo (SUMECHS)