Manuel Portero Otin

Manuel Portero Otin

Degree: PhD

973 702 408



  • Mayneris-Perxachs, J; Castells-Nobau, A; Arnoriaga-Rodriguez, M; Martin, M; de la Vega-Correa, L; Zapata, C; Burokas, A; Blasco, G; Coll, C; Escrichs, A; Biarnes, C; Moreno-Navarrete, JM; Puig, J; Garre-Olmo, J; Ramos, R; Pedraza, S; Brugada, R; Vilanova, JC; Serena, J; Gich, J; Ramio-Torrenta, L; Perez-Brocal, V; Moya, A; Pamplona, R; Sol, J; Jove, M; Ricart, W; Portero-Otin, M; Deco, G; Maldonado, R; Fernandez-Real, JM

    Microbiota alterations in proline metabolism impact depression.

    Cell Metabolism 34 681-70110. .


  • Beà A; García Valero J; Irazoki A; Lana C; López-Lluch G; Portero-Otín M; Pérez-Galán P; Inserte J; Ruiz-Meana M; Zorzano A; Llovera M; Sanchis D

    Cardiac fibroblasts display endurance to ischemia, high ROS control and elevated respiration regulated by the JAK2/STAT pathway.

    FEBS Journal 289 2540-2561. .


  • Puigarnau S; Fernàndez A; Obis E; Jové M; Castañer M; Pamplona R; Portero-Otin M; Camerino O

    Metabolomics reveals that fittest trail runners show a better adaptation of bioenergetic pathways.

    Journal Of Science And Medicine In Sport 25 425-431. .


  • Mota-Martorell N; Andrés-Benito P; Martín-Gari M; Galo-Licona JD; Sol J; Fernández-Bernal A; Portero-Otín M; Ferrer I; Jove M; Pamplona R

    Selective brain regional changes in lipid profile with human aging

    Geroscience 44 763-783. .


  • Ranea-Robles P; Galino J; Espinosa L; Schlüter A; Ruiz M; Calingasan NY; Villarroya F; Naudí A; Pamplona R; Ferrer I; Beal MF; Portero-Otín M; Fourcade S; Pujol A

    Modulation of mitochondrial and inflammatory homeostasis through RIP140 is neuroprotective in an adrenoleukodystrophy mouse model.



  • Granado-Serrano, AB; Martin-Gari, M; Sanchez, V; Riart Solans M.; Lafarga Giribets A.; Berdun, R; Vilaprinyo, E; Portero-Otin, M; Serrano J.C.E.

    Colonic Microbiota Profile Characterization of the Responsiveness to Dietary Fibre Treatment in Hypercholesterolemia

    Nutrients 14 -. .


  • Arnoriaga-Rodríguez M; Mayneris-Perxachs J; Contreras-Rodríguez O; Burokas A; Ortega-Sanchez JA; Blasco G; Coll C; Biarnés C; Castells-Nobau A; Puig J; Garre-Olmo J; Ramos R; Pedraza S; Brugada R; Vilanova JC; Serena J; Barretina J; Gich J; Pérez-Brocal V; Moya A; Fernández-Real X; Ramio-Torrentà L; Pamplona R; Sol J; Jové M; Ricart W; Portero-Otin M; Maldonado R; Fernández-Real JM

    Obesity-associated deficits in inhibitory control are phenocopied to mice through gut microbiota changes in one-carbon and aromatic amino acids metabolic pathways.

    Gut 70 2283-2296. .


  • Berdún R; Jové M; Sol J; Cai W; He JC; Rodriguez-Mortera R; Martin-Garí M; Pamplona R; Uribarri J; Portero-Otin M

    Restriction of Dietary Advanced Glycation end Products Induces a Differential Plasma Metabolome and Lipidome Profile.



  • Jové M; Cabré R; Mota-Martorell N; Martin-Garí M; Obis È; Ramos P; Canales I; Galo-Licona JD; Sol J; Nogueras L; Torres P; Portero-Otín M; Ayala V; Ferrer I; Pamplona R

    Age-Related Changes in Lipidome of Rat Frontal Cortex and Cerebellum Are Partially Reversed by Methionine Restriction Applied in Old Age.



  • Arnoriaga-Rodríguez M; Mayneris-Perxachs J; Coll C; Pérez-Brocal V; Ricart W; Moya A; Ramió-Torrentà L; Pamplona R; Jové M; Portero-Otin M; Fernández-Real JM

    Subjects with detectable Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the gut microbiota show deficits in attention and executive function.

    Journal Of Internal Medicine 290 740-743. .


  • Rossi C; Fernàndez A; Torres P; Ramirez-Nuñez O; Granado-Serrano AB; Fontdevila L; Povedano M; Pamplona R; Ferrer I; Portero-Otin M

    Cell Stress Induces Mislocalization of Transcription Factors with Mitochondrial Enrichment.



  • Garay-Sevilla ME; Rojas A; Portero-Otin M; Uribarri J

    Dietary AGEs as Exogenous Boosters of Inflammation.

    Nutrients 13 -. .



  • Natural microbicides from rice against current and emerging infectious diseases
  • Humanised mouse models to study ATG4B cryptic exon involvement in ALS pathogenesis and its potential as disease biomarker (Hum4ALS)
  • Desregulacion de TDP-43,eje clave en la ELA: Caracterización de firmas lipidómicas, transcriptómicas y autofágicas en muestras específicas de pacientes para biomarcadores y reposicionamiento
  • Targeting cryptic exons as biomarkers and ALS therapy
  • The role of defects in mitochondria-associated ER membranes (MAM) to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • Perspectivas clínicas de la biología de sistemas aplicada al análisis de placas carotídeas humanas: ILER-CAROTID
  • Metabolismo lipidico intracelular, procesamiento de ARNm y estrés celular en la encrucijada de la fisiopatología de la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica
  • Identification of compounds for inhibition of ACE2 membrane expression
  • Reposicionamiento terapéutico dirigido a inhibición de expresión de ACE2 y de proteolisis de trímero S viral
  • Determinació de components bioactius derivats de la microbiota mitjançant micromostreig
  • Estrés celulares y alteraciones en los lipidomas neuronales, gliales y extracelulares en la fisiopatología de la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica.
  • "Imagenoma de l'Envelliment": Estudi observacional poblacional per definir biomarcadors d'imatge RM corporal integral i òmics que s'associen al procés d'envelliment i a factors de risc biopsicosocial en subjectes adults i que defineixen la seva trajectòria vital cap a un envelliment saludable o bé la fragilitat i discapacitat.