Loreta Medina Hernandez
Degree: PhD
973 702 961
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/JEO-2278-2023
Guirado, S; Davila, JC; Real, MA; Medina, L
Nucleus accumbens in the lizard Psammodromus algirus: Chemoarchitecture and cortical afferent connections
Journal Of Comparative Neurology 405 15-31. .
Reiner, A; Medina, L; Haber, SN
The distribution of dynorphinergic terminals in striatal target regions in comparison to the distribution of substance P-containing and enkephalinergic terminals in monkeys and humans
NEUROSCIENCE 88 775-793. .
Reiner, A; Medina, L; Veenman, CL
Structural and functional evolution of the basal ganglia in vertebrates
BRAIN RES REV 28 235-285. .
Reiner, A; Perera, M; Paullus, R; Medina, L
Immunohistochemical localization of DaRPP32 in striatal projection neurons and striatal interneurons in pigeons
Journal Of Chemical Neuroanatomy 16 17-33. .
Chen, Q; Veenman, L; Knopp, K; Yan, Z; Medina, L; Song, WJ; Surmeier, DJ; Reiner, A
Evidence for the preferential localization of glutamate receptor-1 subunits of aMPa receptors to the dendritic spines of medium spiny neurons in rat striatum
NEUROSCIENCE 83 749-761. .
Medina, L; Reiner, A
The efferent projections of the dorsal and ventral pallidal parts of the pigeon basal ganglia, studied with biotinylated dextran amine
NEUROSCIENCE 81 773-802. .
Medina, L; Veenman, CL; Reiner, A
Evidence for a possible avian dorsal thalamic region comparable to the mammalian ventral anterior, ventral lateral, and oral ventroposterolateral nuclei
Journal Of Comparative Neurology 384 86-108. .
Veenman, CL; Medina, L; Reiner, A
Avian homologues of mammalian intralaminar, mediodorsal and midline thalamic nuclei: Immunohistochemical and hodological evidence
Medina, L; FigueredoCardenas, G; Rothstein, JD; Reiner, A
Differential abundance of glutamate transporter subtypes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (aLS)-vulnerable versus aLS-resistant brain stem motor cell groups
Karle, EJ; Anderson, KD; Medina, L; Reiner, A
Light and electron microscopic immunohistochemical study of dopaminergic terminals in the striatal portion of the pigeon basal ganglia using antisera against tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine
Journal Of Comparative Neurology 369 109-124. .
FigueredoCardenas, G; Medina, L; Reiner, A
Calretinin is largely localized to a unique population of striatal interneurons in rats
BRAIN RESEARCH 709 145-150. .
Medina, L; FigueredoCardenas, G; Reiner, A
Differential abundance of superoxide dismutase in interneurons versus projection neurons and in matrix versus striosome neurons in monkey striatum
BRAIN RESEARCH 708 59-70. .
- Neuronas glutamatérgicas y circuitos asociados a trastornos del espectro autista
- Arquitectura molecular de los centros y redes del cerebro que regulan emoción y cognición: implicaciones para la Psiquiatría.
- Variations in stress responsivity in hens: matching birds to environments
- Variations in stress responsivity in hens: matching birds to environments
- Perfil molecular y conexiones de neuronas amigdalinas de distinto origen embrionario: hacia un nuevo paradigma para comprender los trastornos psiquiátricos
- Desarrollo y evolución de la amígdala y áreas relacionadas del prosencéfalo, en base a análisis genético y mapa de destino (DEVOAMI)