Joaquim Egea Navarro

Joaquim Egea Navarro

Degree: PhD

973 702 287



  • Yamagishi, Satoru; Hampel, Falko; Hata, Katsuhiko; del Toro, Daniel; Schwark, Manuela; Kvachnina, Elena; Bastmeyer, Martin; Yamashita, Toshihide; Tarabykin, Victor; Klein, Ruediger; Egea, Joaquim

    FLRT2 and FLRT3 act as repulsive guidance cues for Unc5-positive neurons

    Embo Journal 30 2920-2933. .


  • Egea, Joaquim; Erlacher, Christian; Montanez, Eloi; Burtscher, Ingo; Yamagishi, Satoru; Hess, Martin; Hampel, Falko; Sanchez, Rodrigo; Rodriguez-Manzaneque, Maria Teresa; Boesl, Michael R.; Faessler, Reinhard; Lickert, Heiko; Klein, Ruediger

    Genetic ablation of FLRT3 reveals a novel morphogenetic function for the anterior visceral endoderm in suppressing mesoderm differentiation

    GENES & DEVELOPMENT 22 3349-3362. .


  • Chavarria, Teresa; Valenciano, Ana I.; Mayordomo, Raquel; Egea, Joaquim; Comella, Joan X.; Hallbook, Finn; de Pablo, Flora; de la Rosa, Enrique J.

    Differential, age-dependent MEK-ERK and PI3K-akt activation by insulin acting as a survival factor during embryonic retinal development

    Developmental Neurobiology 67 1777-1788. .


  • Wegmeyer, Heike; Egea, Joaquirn; Rabe, Nadine; Gezelius, Henrik; Filosa, Alessandro; Enjin, Anders; Varoqueaux, Frederique; Deininger, Katrin; Schnuetgen, Frank; Brose, Nils; Klein, Ruediger; Kullander, Klas; Betz, Andrea

    Epha4-Dependent axon guidance is mediated by the RacGaP alpha 2-chirnaerin

    Neuron 55 756-767. .


  • Egea, Joaquim; Klein, Ruediger

    Bidirectional Eph-ephrin signaling during axon guidance

    TRENDS CELL BIOL 17 230-238. .


  • Dufour, Audrey; Egea, Joaquim; Kullander, Klas; Klein, Ruediger; Vanderhaeghen, Pierre

    Genetic analysis of Epha-dependent signaling mechanisms controlling topographic mapping in vivo

    Development 133 4415-4420. .


  • Egea, J; Nissen, UV; Dufour, A; Sahin, M; Greer, P; Kullander, K; Mrsic-Flogel, TD; Greenberg, ME; Kiehn, O; Vanderhaeghen, P; Klein, R

    Regulation of Epha4 kinase activity is required for a subset of axon guidance decisions suggesting a key role for receptor clustering in Eph function

    Neuron 47 515-528. .


  • Llovera, M; de Pablo, Y; Egea, J; Encinas, M; Peiro, S; Martin-Zanca, D; Rocamora, N; Comella, JX

    Trk is a calmodulin-binding protein: implications for receptor processing.



  • Dolcet, X; Soler, RM; Gould, TW; Egea, J; Oppenheim, RW; Comella, JX

    Cytokines promote motoneuron survival through the Janus kinase-dependent activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway.



  • Egea, J; Espinet, C; Soler, RM; Dolcet, X; Yuste, VJ; Encinas, M; Iglesias, M; Rocamora, N; Comella, JX

    Neuronal survival induced by neurotrophins requires calmodulin.

    JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 154 585-597. .


  • Espinet, C; Gomez-Arbones, X; Egea, J; Comella, JX

    Combined use of the green and yellow fluorescent proteins and fluorescence-activated cell sorting to select populations of transiently transfected PC12 cells.

    Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 100 63-69. .


  • Comella, J; Egea, J; Soler, RM; Dolcet, X; Espinet, C

    Ca2+ and calmodulin regulate neuronal survival throughout the modulation of the intracellular signaling pathways activated by receptors for neurotrophic factors

    METHOD FIND EXP CLIN 22 395-396. .


  • Estudio de la RhoGTPasa Rnd3/RhoE en la formación de pliegues corticales durante el desarrollo del cerebro mediante el uso de ratones modificados genéticament
  • Papel de Rnd3/RhoE, uno de los efectores de las proteínas FLRT, en guía axonal y la formación de plieges en la corteza durante el desarrollo del cerebro
  • ProNGF/p75NTR signalling in hippocampal adult neurogenesis: potential target for generating new neurons in Alzeimer's disease
  • Análisis de las proteínas multifuncionales FLRTs en la migración de interneuronas y los mecanismos de señalización implicados
  • Novel Molecular mechanisms of Neuron Migration in the Developing Cortex and their Contribution to Related Diseades (NEUROMIGRATION)
  • Predictus - apropament al diagnòstic i pronòstic de la isquèmia cerebral transitòria i del fenomen de tolerància isquèmica a través de l'aplicació de la tecnologia de Biologia de sistemes
  • Papel de la familia FLRT en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso y la conectividad neuronal