Research Group in Immunology and Metabolism (GRIM)
- Number of publications
- 345
León-Mengibar, J; Sánchez, E; Herrerías, F; de la Fuente, MC; Santamaría, M; Valdivielso, JM; Bermúdez-López, M; Castro, E; Pallarés, J; Matias-Guiu, X; VILARDELL, F; Caixàs, A; Bueno, M; Marti, R; Lecube, A
Influence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease severity on carotid adventitial vasa vasorum
Frontiers in Endocrinology 15 1366015-1366015. .
Salina-Roca, B; Sánchez, E; Bermúdez-López, M; Valdivielso, JM; Farràs-Sallés, C; Pamplona, R; Torres, G; Mauricio, D; Castro, E; Fernández, E; Hernández, M; Rius, F; Lecube, A
Association between adherence to the mediterranean diet, physical activity, and sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) in a middle-aged population with cardiovascular risk: Insights from the ILERVAS cohort
SLEEP MEDICINE 116 19-26. .
Soldevila, B; Alarcón, L; Vlacho, B; Real, J; Hernández, M; Cos, X; Franch-Nadal, J; Mauricio, D
Trends in the prevalence of gestational diabetes in Catalonia from 2010 to 2019
Primary Care Diabetes 18 169-176. .
Barranco-Altirriba, M; Alonso, N; Weber, RJM; Lloyd, GR; Hernandez, M; Yanes, O; Capellades, J; Jankevics, A; Winder, C; Falguera, M; Franch-Nadal, J; Dunn, WB; Perera-Lluna, A; Castelblanco, E; Mauricio, D
Lipidome characterisation and sex-specific differences in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Cardiovascular Diabetology 23 109-109. .
Carrión-Barberá, I; Triginer, L; Tío, L; Pérez-García, C; Ribes, A; Abad, V; Pros, A; Bermúdez-López, M; Castro-Boqué, E; Lecube, A; Valdivielso, JM; Monfort, J; Salman-Monte, TC
Role of Advanced Glycation End Products as New Biomarkers in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Navarro-Masip, E; Mestres, N; Zorzano-Martínez, M; Salinas-Roca, B; Sánchez, E; López-Cano, C; Herrerías, F; de la Fuente, MC; Santamaría, M; León-Mengíbar, J; Soler, AG; Bueno, M; Lecube, A
Mid-term Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Fatty Liver Disease Remission and Predictive Factors: A Prospective Study with a Focus on Non-invasive Diagnosis
OBESITY SURGERY 34 841-849. .
Orós M; Lorenzo M; Serna MC; Siscart J; Perejón D; Salinas-Roca B
Obesity in Pregnancy as a Risk Factor in Maternal and Child Health-A Retrospective Cohort Study.
Metabolites 14 -. .
Sisó, P; de la Rosa, I; Rios, C; Panosa, A; Verdaguer, J; Martí, R; Macià, A
Protocol to characterize the melanoma tumor immune microenvironment in mice from single cell to flow cytometry analysis
Star Protocols 4 102690-102690. .
Zheng H; Ma W; Tang X; Lecube A; Yan LJ
Editorial: Diabetes and obesity effects on lung function, volume II.
Frontiers in Endocrinology 14 1345489-1345489. .
Marques-Pamies, M; Gil, J; Valassi, E; Hernández, M; Biagetti, B; Giménez-Palop, O; Martínez, S; Carrato, C; Pons, L; Villar-Taibo, R; Araujo-Castro, M; Blanco, C; Simón, I; Simó-Servat, A; Xifra, G; Vázquez, F; Pavón, I; García-Centeno, R; Zavala, R; Hanzu, FA; Mora, M; Aulinas, A; Vilarrasa, N; Librizzi, S; Calatayud, M; de Miguel, P; Alvarez-Escola, C; Picó, A; Sampedro, M; Salinas, I; Fajardo-Montañana, C; Cámara, R; Bernabéu, I; Jordà, M; Webb, SM; Marazuela, M; Puig-Domingo, M
Revisiting the usefulness of the short acute octreotide test to predict treatment outcomes in acromegaly
Frontiers in Endocrinology 14 1269787-1269787. .
Sánchez E; Ciudin A; Sánchez A; Gutiérrez-Medina S; Valdés N; Flores L; Marí-Sanchis A; Goñi F; Sánchez M; Nicolau J; Muñoz C; Díaz-Trastoy O; Cuatrecasas G; Cañizares S; Comas M; López-Cano C; Lecube A
Assessment of obesity stigma and discrimination among Spanish subjects with a wide weight range: the OBESTIGMA study.
Frontiers in Psychology 14 1209245-1209245. .
Rojo-López, MI; Bermúdez-López, M; Castro, E; Farràs, C; Torres, G; Pamplona, R; Lecube, A; Valdivielso, JM; Fernández, E; Julve, J; Castelblanco, E; Franch-Nadal, J; Alonso, N; Granado-Casas, M; Mauricio, D
Low adherence to the Mediterranean diet is associated with increased prevalence and number of atherosclerotic plaques in the ILERVAS cohort
Atherosclerosis 380 117191-117191. .