Research > Chronic diseases, Surgery and Health Care

Research Group in Immunology and Metabolism (GRIM)

Number of publications
Publications search
  • Vilarrasa, N; Goday, A; Rubio, MA; Caixàs A; Pellitero, S; Ciudin, A; Calañas A; Botella, JI; Breton, I; Morales, MJ; Diaz-Fernandez, MJ; Garcia-Luna, PP; Lecube, A

    Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia after Bariatric Surgery: Diagnosis and Management Experience from a Spanish Multicenter Registry

    Obesity Facts 9 41-51. .


  • Goday, A.; Barneto, I.; García-Almeida, J.M.; Blasco, A.; Lecube, A.; Grávalos, C.; Martínez de Icaya, P.; de Las Peñas, R.; Monereo, S.; Vázquez, L.; Palacio, J.E.; Pérez-Segura, P.

    Obesity as a risk factor in cancer: A national consensus of the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology



  • Rubinat E; Ortega E; Traveset A; Arcidiacono MV; Alonso N; Betriu A; Granado-Casas M; Hernández M; Soldevila J; Puig-Domingo M; Jurjo C; Fernández E; Mauricio D

    Microangiopathy of common carotid vasa vasorum in type 1 diabetes mellitus

    Atherosclerosis 241 334-338. .


  • Ferrer R; Pardina E; Rossell J; Oller L; Viñas A; Baena-Fustegueras JA; Lecube A; Vargas V; Balibrea JM; Caubet E; González O; Vilallonga R; Fort JM; Peinado-Onsurbe J

    Morbidly "Healthy" Obese Are Not Metabolically Healthy but Less Metabolically Imbalanced Than Those with Type 2 Diabetes or Dyslipidemia

    OBESITY SURGERY 25 1380-1391. .


  • Alvarado-Martel D; Cañas F; Velasco R; Alcubierre N; López-Ríos L; Rius F; Nóvoa FJ; Carrillo A; Hernández M; Wägner AM; Mauricio D

    Design, construction, and implementation of an online platform for patients with type 1 diabetes: EncoDiab

    Patient Preference And Adherence 9 767-775. .


  • Pujol-Autonell, I; Serracant-Prat, A; Cano-Sarabia, M; Ampudia, RM; Rodriguez-Fernandez, S; Sanchez, A; Izquierdo, C; Stratmann, T; Puig-Domingo, M; Maspoch, D; Verdaguer, J; Vives-Pi, M

    Use of Autoantigen-Loaded Phosphatidylserine-Liposomes to Arrest Autoimmunity in Type 1 Diabetes

    PLOS ONE 10 -. .


  • Mancikova V; Castelblanco E; Pineiro-Yanez E; Perales-Paton J; de Cubas AA; Inglada-Perez L; Matias-Guiu X; Capel I; Bella M; Lerma E; Riesco-Eizaguirre G; Santisteban P; Maravall F; Mauricio D; Al-Shahrour F; Robledo M

    MicroRNA deep-sequencing reveals master regulators of follicular and papillary thyroid tumors

    Modern Pathology 28 748-757. .


  • Alcubierre N; Valls J; Rubinat E; Cao G; Esquerda A; Traveset A; Granado-Casas M; Jurjo C; Mauricio D

    Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated with the Presence and Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

    JOURNAL OF DIABETES RESEARCH 2015 374178-374178. .


  • Gómez-Touriño I; Simón-Vázquez R; Alonso-Lorenzo J; Arif S; Calviño-Sampedro C; González-Fernández A; Pena-González E; Rodríguez J; Viñuela-Roldán J; Verdaguer J; Cordero OJ; Peakman M; Varela-Calvino R

    Characterization of the autoimmune response against the nerve tissue S100 beta in patients with type 1 diabetes



  • Arcidiacono MV; Rubinat E; Borras M; Betriu A; Trujillano J; Vidal T; Mauricio D; Fernández E

    Left carotid adventitial vasa vasorum signal correlates directly with age and with left carotid intima-media thickness in individuals without atheromatous risk factors

    Cardiovascular Ultrasound 13 20-20. .



    Effect of glycemic control on nocturnal arterial oxygen saturation: A case-control study in type 2 diabetic patients

    JOURNAL OF DIABETES 7 133-138. .


  • Ferrer R; Pardina E; Rossell J; Baena-Fustegueras JA; Lecube A; Balibrea JM; Caubet E; González O; Vilallonga R; Fort JM; Peinado-Onsurbe J

    Haematological parameters and serum trace elements in "healthy" and "unhealthy" morbidly obese patients before and after gastric bypass

    CLINICAL NUTRITION 34 276-283. .
