Research > Nutrition, Metabolism and Cellular Stress

Metabolic physiopathology

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Publications search
  • Torres P; Sancho-Saldaña A; Gil Sánchez A; Peralta S; Solana MJ; Bakkioui S; González-Mingot C; Quibus L; Ruiz-Fernández E; San Pedro-Murillo E; Brieva L

    A prospective study of cellular immune response to booster COVID-19 vaccination in multiple sclerosis patients treated with a broad spectrum of disease-modifying therapies.

    JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 270 1-12. .


  • Gómez J; Mota-Martorell N; Jové M; Pamplona R; Barja G

    Mitochondrial ROS production, oxidative stress and aging within and between species: Evidences and recent advances on this aging effector.

    Experimental Gerontology 174 112134-112134. .


  • Pamplona R; Jové M; Gómez J; Barja G

    Whole organism aging: Parabiosis, inflammaging, epigenetics, and peripheral and central aging clocks. The ARS of aging.

    Experimental Gerontology 174 112137-112137. .


  • Dakterzada, F; Jove, M; Huerto, R; Carnes, A; Sol, J; Pamplona, R; Piñol-Ripoll G

    Changes in Plasma Neutral and Ether-Linked Lipids Are Associated with The Pathology and Progression of Alzheimer's Disease.

    Aging and Disease 14 1728-1738. .


  • Obis, E; Sol, J; Andres-Benito, P; Martin-Gari, M; Mota-Martorell, N; Galo-Licona, JD; Piñol-Ripoll G; Portero-Otin, M; Ferrer, I; Jove, M; Pamplona, R

    Lipidomic Alterations in the Cerebral Cortex and White Matter in Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease.

    Aging and Disease 14 1887-1916. .


  • Muñoz-Basagoiti J; Monteiro FLL; Krumpe LRH; Armario-Najera V; Shenoy SR; Perez-Zsolt D; Westgarth HJ; Villorbina G; Bomfim LM; Raïch-Regué D; Nogueras L; Henrich CJ; Gallemí M; Moreira FRR; Torres P; Wilson J; D'arc M; Marfil S; Herlinger AL; Pradenas E; Higa LM; Portero-Otin M; Trinité B; Twyman RM; Capell T; Tanuri A; Blanco J; Izquierdo-Useros N; Rech EL; Christou P; O'Keefe BR

    Cyanovirin-N binds to select SARS-CoV-2 spike oligosaccharides outside of the receptor binding domain and blocks infection by SARS-CoV-2.



  • Jové M; Mota-Martorell N; Obis È; Sol J; Martín-Garí M; Ferrer I; Portero-Otin M; Pamplona R

    Ether Lipid-Mediated Antioxidant Defense in Alzheimer's Disease.

    Antioxidants 12 -. .


  • Jové M; Mota-Martorell N; Obis È; Sol J; Martín-Garí M; Ferrer I; Portero-Otín M; Pamplona R

    Lipid Adaptations against Oxidative Challenge in the Healthy Adult Human Brain.

    Antioxidants 12 -. .


  • Escrichs A; Sanz Perl Y; Martínez-Molina N; Biarnes C; Garre-Olmo J; Fernández-Real JM; Ramos R; Martí R; Pamplona R; Brugada R; Serena J; Ramió-Torrentà L; Coll-De-Tuero G; Gallart L; Barretina J; Vilanova JC; Mayneris-Perxachs J; Saba L; Pedraza S; Kringelbach ML; Puig J; Deco G

    The effect of external stimulation on functional networks in the aging healthy human brain.

    Cerebral Cortex 33 235-245. .


  • Sánchez E; Sánchez M; López-Cano C; Bermúdez-López M; Valdivielso JM; Farràs-Sallés C; Pamplona R; Torres G; Mauricio D; Castro E; Fernández E; Lecube A

    Is There a Link between Obesity Indices and Skin Autofluorescence? A Response from the ILERVAS Project.

    Nutrients 15 -. .


  • Dakterzada F; Jové M; Cantero JL; Pamplona R; Piñoll-Ripoll G

    Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid nonenzymatic protein damage is sustained in Alzheimer's disease.

    Redox Biology 64 102772-102772. .


  • Mota-Martorell N; Jové M; Berdún R; Òbis È; Barja G; Pamplona R

    Methionine Metabolism Is Down-Regulated in Heart of Long-Lived Mammals.

    Biology-Basel 11 -. .
